Campaigns Have 'Deleted' Status Despite Being Active In Google Ads

What Is The Issue?

When looking at your campaigns within the Campaigns view, you may see that one or more of them has a status of Deleted, despite those campaigns being listed as Active within the Google Ads publisher interface. 

What Causes The Issue?

There are two reasons why you may see this status.

  1. There is a very small chance that, during an account synchronization operation, the affected campaigns were identified as being deleted, when in fact they were not. This is a rare occurrence, and can be easily fixed by following the process outlined in the How To Fix The Issue section of this article.
  2. A campaign was deleted in Google Ads, then a campaign with the same name was created in Google Ads.

    A hard sync was performed within the platform, and since the application does not allow duplicate campaign names, the now-deleted campaign was updated to Deleted in the platform, and the now Active campaign was not synchronized into Marin.

How To Fix The Issue

Option 1

Once you have verified that the campaigns are active within Google Ads, you can follow these steps to re-synchronize the individual campaigns:

  1. From Marin, navigate to the Accounts > Publishers view.
  2. Then, click on the Manage Accounts button.
  3. From the Linking Wizard, click the Linked Accounts tab and select the Google publisher account to View
  4. Then, select the Campaigns tab.
  5. Scroll through the list of your campaigns, select the impacted campaigns, then click the Sync button. This should solve the problem, and the campaigns should be listed as Active once the job is processed.

Note: If the above does not solve your issue, you could try performing a Manual Sync for your publisher account (rather than just the campaigns) by following the steps outlined in our help center article.

Option 2

To verify whether the campaign was deleted within Google Ads:

  1. Compare the Pub ID of the deleted campaign in Marin with the Active Campaign ID in Google Ads.
    • If they match, please contact our Customer Support team who will be able to assist you further.
    • If they do not match, make a small change to the campaign name so the value is unique. The Active campaign should appear in the Manage Accounts page and can now be linked to the platform.

Note: It is best practice to create and manage all objects and status updates within the platform to ensure proper functionality and data monitoring within your accounts. 

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024