The Advanced Learning Hub

Marin Social is designed to meet your unique business needs. With that in mind, we’ve created our Advanced Learning Hub to guide you through some of the platform’s more advanced features. This is where you can really dig deep to discover how the platform can help you meet your business goals and objectives.

Here's how it works:

  1. Take a look through the Advanced Learning Hub and pick out a few of the features you think will have the biggest impact on your business.
  2. Watch a video or review some of the associated article links for further reading (where applicable).
  3. Once you've explored the relevant topics, start implementing them into your account to see the benefits as quickly as possible.
  4. Finally, let our Support Team know if you have any additional questions -- we’re here to help.

Advanced Learning Hub

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: May 26th, 2023