Publisher Requirements & Restrictions

In this article, you'll find a collection of tables which outline the various publisher requirements and restrictions that apply to the Marin platform.

Publisher Settings

  Google Yahoo Microsoft Baidu Facebook Yahoo! JAPAN
Distribution Types Campaign
(Search, Content, Google Network)
Campaign, Group
(Search, Content)
(Search, Content)
(Search, Content/Baidu Network) Social Search
Budget Campaign (daily)
min: $.01
max: $250,000
Account, Campaign (daily)
min: $1
max: $1,000,000
Campaign (monthly, daily)
min: $5
max: $7,500,000
Account (daily)
min: CNY 50
max: CNY 100,000

Campaign (daily)
Search min: CNY 50
Content min: CNY 10
Max: CNY 100,000
Campaign (daily)
$1.00 - $1,000,000
Campaign (lifetime)
$1.00 - $1,000,000
Campaign (daily) 100 - 1250000 Yen
Negative Keywords Campaign, Group Account, Group Campaign, Group, Keyword Campaign, Group   Campaign, Group
Search Bid Group, Keyword
min: $.01
Group, Keyword
min: $0.01 (USD), 0.05 Pounds, 0.15 CAD, 0.05 Euro, 0.10 AUD
max: $999.99 USD, 25 Pounds, 999.99 CAD, 25 Euro, 50 AUD
min: $.05

min: CNY.01
max: CNY 999.99 or budget

min: CNY .01

$.01 - $100 or budget
Group, Keyword
min: 1 Yen
max: 9999 Yen
Content Bid Group
min: $.01
min: $.10
min: $.10
min: CNY 0.05
$.01 - $100 or budget
Creative Restrictions

Headline: 25 chars
Desc 1: 35 chars
Desc 2: 35 chars
Display URL: 35 chars
Dest URL: 1030 chars (not including http/s://)


2xHeadline: 30 chars
Expanded description field: 80 chars
Display URL: 35 chars

2xPath field:15 chars (Optional)
Dest URL: 1030 chars (not including http/s://)

Name: 300 chars
Headline: 40 chars (60 chars in EU markets)
Desc: 70 chars
Display URL: 35 chars
Dest URL: 1024 chars

Headline: 25 chars
Desc: 71 chars
Dsplay URL: 35 chars
Dest URL: 1024 chars


2xHeadline: 30 chars
Expanded description field: 80 chars

2xPath field: 15 chars (final URL domain and paths cannot exceed 67 chars)
Dest URL: 2048 chars (including prefix, suffix, and tracking templates)

Headline: 50 chars
Desc 1: 80 chars
Desc 2: 80 chars
Dsplay URL: 36 chars
Dest URL: 1017 chars

Different length of Desc/Headline is displayed depending on where on the page the ad is rendered.

Headline: 28 chars
Desc 1: 40 chars (min: 8 chars)
Desc 2: 40 chars (min: 8 chars)
Dsplay URL: 35 chars
Dest URL: 1024 chars

Headline: 25 chars
Description: 90 chars
Dest URL: 255 chars
Keyword Restrictions     Dynamic Keyword Insertion Max 25 (count spaces and all words before and after insertion) Max: 40 chars (40 single byte or 20 double byte chars)    
Max End Date Campaign: 12/31/2036 UTC Campaign: 11/31/2036 UTC Group: 1/2/2050 Local Baidu has no max end date. 1 year from the start date.  

Publisher Limits

  Google Yahoo Microsoft Baidu Facebook Yahoo! JAPAN
Campaigns per Account 10,000 20 10,000 100 100 100 (may request more)
Groups per Campaign 20,000 1,000 500 (draft), 20,000 active 1,000 1,000 2,000
Negative Keywords per Campaign 5,000 per negative list   10,000 100   5,000
Negative Keywords per Group     10,000 100   2,000
Keywords per Group 20,000 1,000 10,000 5,000 (recommend 30)   2,000
Ads per Group 50 20 100 50 1 50
Keywords per Account 5,000,000   50,000,000     50,000 (may request more)
Site Exclusions per Campaign 5,000          
Placements per Group 2,000 (incl. negatives)          
Campaign Geo-targets 10,000 (including exclusions)          
Campaign Geo-exclusions 10,000 (including non-exclusions)

Uniqueness Requirements

  Google Yahoo Microsoft Baidu Facebook Yahoo! JAPAN

Globally unique

  • ID

Unique within account

  • Case-sensitive name

Globally unique

  • ID

Unique within account

  • Case-insensitive name

Globally unique

  • ID

Unique within account

  • Case-insensitive name (Active only)

Globally unique

  • ID

Unique within account

  • Case-insensitive name

Globally Unique

  • ID

Unique within account

  • ID
  • Case-sensitive name

Globally unique

  • ID

Unique within campaign

  • Case-insensitive name (255 chars)

Globally unique

  • ID

Unique within campaign

  • Case-insensitive name

Globally unique

  • ID

Unique within campaign

  • Case-insensitive name

Globally unique

  • ID

Unique within campaign

  • Case-insensitive name

Globally unique

  • ID

Unique within campaign

  • ID

Unique within group

  • ID

Globally unique

  • ID

Unique within group

  • Case-sensitive name
Not unique

Globally unique

  • ID

Unique within group

  • Case-insensitive name

Unique within group

  • All

Unique within group

  • ID

Unique within group

  • ID
  • {Keyword, Match Type}

Globally unique

  • ID

Unique within group

  • Case-insensitive and plural-insensitive keyword

Globally unique

  • ID

Unique within group

  • Case-insensitive keyword

Normalized within group

Globally unique

  • ID

Unique within group

  • Case-insensitive keyword
Not Applicable

Unique within group

  • ID
  • {Keyword, Match Type}


  • Case-insensitive means that "AppLe" is the same as "apple"
  • Plural-insensitive means "apple" is the same as "apples"
  • Normalized means "t-shirts" is the same as "t shirts"

Sample Sync Times

  Google Yahoo Microsoft Yahoo! JAPAN
Sync Time for PCA 3:30h (~995000 keywords) 5:20h (~250000 keywords)   ~140 hours to sync 1 mm keywords
Get Campaign 7secs 5secs   ~3secs
Get Group 3secs 3secs (max of 5secs) 3secs ~3secs
Get Creative 3secs (max of 6secs) 2secs   ~3secs
Get Keywords 30secs for 2,000 keywords
1 minute for 5,000 keywords
30secs for 1,000 keywords   ~2 kw/sec

Note that each Microsoft group requires a separate API call. That means syncing multiple Microsoft groups can take quite a long time.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024