Our Recommendations For Account Size Limits


To get cost and revenue data into the platform on time, it is important that your Marin Client Account or Marin Search Client Account not exceed a certain size. After looking into the current clients, we are pleased to tell you the limits for the client accounts to get data in with no delay.

  • 2 million keyword-instances
    • A keyword-instance is the combination of keyword text and a match type in a specific campaign.
    • This number does not include the deleted keywords.
    • If you want to delete non-impressing keywords to meet the limits, please contact our Customer Support team, who will be happy to help.
  • 1 million creatives
  • 100K ad groups
  • 10K campaigns
  • 300 publisher client accounts
  • 5 platform rollup dimensions
  • 30 conversion types
  • 3 years of historical data
  • 60k product target

Important Information

  • These numbers are just guidelines for now. However, we plan to restrict you from exceeding the limits in a future release.
  • If any of these limits is exceeded, we cannot guarantee that the cost and revenue data will be in the platform on time (Before 9am client local time for cost and tracker data, within 3 hours of the platform receiving the files for other revenue date).
  • To get the cost data on time, the number of keywords is the most critical. Make sure that the number doesn't exceed the limit.
  • To get the tracker and other revenue data on time, conversion types, dimensions and keywords are the the most critical.
  • Yahoo! JAPAN are slower compared to Google, Facebook and Yahoo!. If you have 300 Yahoo! JAPAN accounts, you'd probably get your cost data late.
  • There are some exceptions. For example, if a client account has a 15k keywords in total in 15k campaigns, they will probably be OK.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024