Unable To View Recently Added Client Accounts


When a new client account is created in the platform (Settings > Clients & Users > Clients > ‘+’) the client account may not be immediately visible in the drop-down. First, try logging out of the platform account and logging back in. If the new client account is still not visible it may be necessary to refresh the Client drop-down.

How To Refresh The Client Drop-Down List

Users can manually refresh their client account list by following the below steps:

  1. Select any client account in the Client selection drop-down (e.g. PowPow Sports).
  2. Navigate to Settings > Clients & Users > Clients.
  3. Check the box next to any listed client account and click the Edit button.
  4. Save the client account settings (without making any settings changes).
  5. The account should now be visible in the account drop-down.

This refresh will only be localized to the account within which you executed the above steps.

Important Notes

  • When creating a new client account, if you did not grant yourself Read or Write access to the account, you will not be able to view it. Reach out to an Admin user in order to be granted Read or Write access. Admin users can be seen under Settings > Clients & Users > Users and are designated by an asterisk (*).
  • There may be occasions when client accounts will not appear in the drop-down even after following the above steps. This could be due to account maintenance issues, such as Data Cloud moves. In such cases, we recommend that you wait at least a few hours before trying again.
  • This refresh can also be used when an existing account becomes inaccessible due to server migration or other reason. If you are still unable to see your account, please contact your platform Representative or Customer Support team who will be happy to help resolve the issue for you.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024