Beginning in Q2 2023, Marin Bidding will only offer Strategy assignments at the campaign level; group-level assignments will no longer be supported.
If you have campaigns that are assigned to multiple different Strategies (assigned at the group level), these will need to be migrated to be assigned at the campaign level.
In this section, we'll walk you through how to identify campaigns that are impacted by this change and take the necessary next steps to ensure your bidding continues to work seamlessly.
How To Identify Campaigns
From the Campaigns grid, use the Column Selector to bring the Strategy column into your grid. Relevant Strategies will say Multiple in this column.
Use a filter for Contains = "Multiple" if you'd like to look at only the relevant campaigns in your grid.
Marin will create two Dimensions that you can use to help reassign objects to your Strategies at the campaign level.
- CampaignStrategy_RecommendedStrategy: This Dimension contains the name of the Strategy we recommend for reassigning groups that are currently assigned at the campaign level. Here's how we identified this recommendation:
- Strategy with the largest share of clicks: We'll recommend mapping to the strategy that already contains the highest share of clicks within that campaign.
- Strategy with the largest share of groups: If there are no clicks, we recommend assigning this group to a Strategy that already contains the highest share of groups. For example, if we have a campaign with 50 groups, of which 30 are mapped to Strategy A and 20 are mapped to Strategy B, we'll recommend you map to Strategy A because it already contains most of the campaign's groups.
- Based on Strategy status (Preview > Off > Traffic): If there are no clicks and the groups are equally split, we recommend mapping to Strategies on Preview mode, where possible, then to Off, then to Traffic.
- Based on folder_id: If there are no clicks, groups are split equally, and all Strategy statuses are the same, we recommend assigning to the Strategy with the highest folder_id.
- CampaignStrategy_TraffickingImpact: This Dimensions will be set to Yes for any groups where the Strategy assignments will lead to bids no longer being trafficked, or bids starting to be trafficked. Use filters in this column to identify potential impact prior to making your reassignments. Our recommendation is to filter out those that are set to Yes and address these as your highest priority.
How To Take Action
There are three ways to take action:
- Multi-edit at the campaign level
- Bulk edit at the campaign leve
- Bulk edit at the group level
Timing & Important Dates
Keep the following dates in mind related to updating your Strategy assignments:
- February 27, 2023: We will assign objects to a newly-created Strategy, set to Preview mode.
- April 30, 2023: Deadline to review your new Strategy assignments. After this date, campaigns that are still assigned to multiple strategies will be assigned to a newly created strategy on Preview mode.