"No Message Found Under Code 'GLOBAL_FAIL_ERROR_MSG' for Locale 'En_US'"

When uploading new keywords into the platform using a bulk upload, you may encounter the following error message when trying to continue after the Preview page:

Error on new adgroups: Error: No message found under code 'GLOBAL_FAIL_ERROR_MSG' for locale 'en_US'

Additionally, the upload does not make it to the Activity Log to be posted to the publisher. Please note that since the bulk sheet fails before moving on to the Activity Log, none of the Keywords were created.

What Causes The Issue?

  • The reason this error occurs is usually because there are some blank rows in your bulk sheet with nothing filled in for either the Group or Campaign column.
  • The error message may also appear if you are attempting to add/edit objects to a campaign or group that is currently in Deleted status. This can be confirmed if any of your campaign or group names from your bulksheet do not appear in the manual select drop down menu for campaign or group in the Bulk Add/Edit screen.

How To Fix The Issue

  • Fill in the blank fields and re-upload the bulk sheet. You will know that the keywords were created successfully because you will see an Activity Log ID in the Activity Log associated with this upload.
  • If you are encountering the error due to deleted campaigns or groups, you will need to first reactivate those campaign or groups before proceeding with your bulk edit.

More details on reactivating objects can be found here.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024