Conversions Have No Revenue Associated with Them

You may notice that, despite the fact the sales conversions are being reported within the platform, there is no revenue associated with these conversions.

This issue can occur with a variety of revenue integrations and for a number of different reasons. We’ll explain some of these below.

What Causes The Issue?

There are a number of explanations for a lack of revenue for conversions. Here are some of the most common:

  1. No revenue has been provided by the tracking pixel, potentially due to an incorrect implementation of the tracking pixel.
  2. The number format of the revenue provided is incorrect. For example, it uses a comma (,) rather than a period (.) as a separator.
  3. The revenue is being populated in the wrong pixel field.
  4. Publisher tracking may be enabled, but set to retrieve conversions but not revenue.
  5. Running publisher tracking and platform tracking at the same time.

How To Fix The Issue

If you believe your issue to be an incorrect implementation of the tracking pixel, please reach out to our Support department, who will be happy to help you troubleshoot the problem.

If you need to alter your publisher tracking settings to enable (as in point 3 above) or disable (as in point 4) revenue tracking, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Publishers grid.
  2. Click Manage Accounts.
  3. Within Linked Accounts, select the specific account and click View. 
  4. Under Publisher Data:
    • If you’re already running platform tracking and want to disable publisher tracking, select No Revenue or Conversion Data.
    • If you need to enable conversions and revenue, select Revenue and Conversion Data.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024