Flag performance vs. benchmark

Identify campaigns that are over or underperforming relative to their benchmark.

What can I do with this?

  • Tag campaigns with their performance relative to their benchmark(s).
  • Filter on campaign tags to multi-edit campaign settings
  • Segment performance by performance vs. benchmark


How it works

For each metric, the script compares the MTD performance against the a benchmark stored as a Dimension and determines whether the campaign is overperforming, underperforming, or on target. It sets the appropriate value in the corresponding dimension.



  • For each metric, you need the following Dimensions. The first three are inputs and the last is the output of this script.
    • <<METRIC NAME>> - Avg. Benchmark
    • <<METRIC NAME>> - High - Criteria 
    • <<METRIC NAME>> - Low - Criteria
    • <<METRIC NAME>> - Performance


  • Campaign
  • Conv. Rate
  • Cost / Conv.
  • CTR %
  • Avg. CPC


  • Script can be adapted to any reference any metric in Marin
  • Threshold for over/under performing can be set by changing the High and Low Criteria Dimension Values
  • Avg. Benchmark is set by another script. You can adjust the date range used, or set these targets manually



Written by Wes MacLaggan

Last published at: March 19th, 2024