Bidding And Budget Changes For Facebook


Facebook has introduced a number of changes to both bidding and budgeting which will affect the Marin Social platform in some small ways. 

The alterations will come into play when creating and managing your Facebook ad sets, and may cause you to receive alerts about your budget being low. In this article, we'll outline the changes and what you need to know.

Bid / Budget Changes

When creating an ad set, there will be a minimum budget for different billing events such as clicks, impressions, actions, and so on. Minimum values are defined in terms of the daily budget but apply to lifetime budgets as well. For example, if the minimum daily budget is $5, a campaign lasting 5 days will need at least $25 for budget. 

If you are using autobidding in your ad set, please refer to this table:

Billing Event Minimum Daily Budget Notes
Impressions $0.50  
Clicks/Likes/Video views $2.50  
Low-frequency actions $40 Low-frequency actions include mobile app installs, offer claims or canvas app installs. Note: This minimum daily budget is the same for all countries.

If you are not using autobidding in your ad set, please refer to this table:

Billing Event Minimum Daily Budget
Impressions At least the bid_amount. For example, if the bid amount is $10, then $10 will be the minimum budget required.
Clicks/Actions 5x the bid_amount for a Click or Action. For example, if the bid amount is $5 per click/action, then $25 will be the minimum budget required.

Important Notes

  • Budgets created in non-USD currencies will be converted and validated when the ad set is created. 

Note that for ads contained in ad accounts from the countries in the list below, the minimum values are twice those listed in the tables above. However, the only exception to this rule are low-frequency actions when is_autobid is set to true (such as mobile app install campaigns):

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States of America.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024