Creating Facebook .GIF Ads


The Marin Social platform offers full support for the creation of ads using animated .GIF files. There are two ways that you can insert .GIF files into your ads:

  1. Upload the GIF from a local file like you do for a video
  2. Use a link where the .GIF is hosted

Upload From A Local File 

To upload a .GIF file using the Page Post Ads option:

  1. Navigate to the Bulk Creator and select the Page Post Ads ad type.
  2. Click Create Posts in the upper-right hand side of the posts grid.
  3. Upload your video and thumbnail as well as specify all the assets of the video page post ad you desire to create.
  4. Once created, this video post will appear in the posts grid of which you can select.
  5. That's all there is to it! You can follow these steps as many times as you'd like and create multiple video page post ads through the Bulk Creator. 

Now, we’ll show you how to use a .GIF link when creating a Bulk Page Post Creator ad type.

To create a .GIF Facebook ad in the platform, simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Ad Set level.
  2. Select the ad set(s) to which you want to add the ads to.
  3. Click Add Ads.
  4. Next, simply select the Bulk page Post Creator ad type.
  5. In the Ads section on the right of the screen, look for the URL field. Then, simply paste in the link to your hosted .gif file -- it's as easy as that! 
  6. Choose the rest of the ad settings as normal -- but do not add an image for the ad(s). Then, save everything as you would with a regular ad, and you're all done. Your .gif Facebook ad should now be ready for use. 

Important Notes 

  • When using the link option for your GIFs, to ensure proper ad creation, you should not add an image to the new ads.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024