Uploading Promoted Objects By Group In Bulk


The term Promoted Object describes the thing (product, service, or anything else) that a specific Facebook ad set is promoting. It's a generalized way of specifying a broad range of objects, which are each related to certain advertising objectives.

Taken together, the campaign objective and the promoted object should be enough to answer the question: What is this ad set or campaign all about? For example, This campaign is meant to get more page likes for my Page X, or This Ad Set is driving mobile app installs for my app Y.

When To Populate The Promoted Object

The following objectives need the promoted object specified when bulk creating groups:

  • Website Conversions
  • Page Likes
  • Mobile App Installs
  • Mobile App Engagement
  • Canvas App Installs
  • Canvas App Engagement

Bulksheet Values

When providing the promoted object value in your group bulk file, please follow the format listed in the table below for the Promoted Object bulk header:

Campaign Objective

Promoted Object

Website Conversions


Page Likes

<page_name> (Page)

Mobile App Installs

<app_name> (App)

Mobile App Engagement

<app_name> (App)

Canvas App Installs

<app_name> (App)

Canvas App Engagement

<app_name> (App)

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024