

Marin has added more comprehensive reporting on device performance, making it easier to understand the performance of a specific device across all of your objects, and opening up new optimization insights.

This feature makes device reporting available at all levels of the hierarchy -- the full Marin Client Account, publisher, publisher account, campaign, group, and keyword levels.

Devices In The Grid

  1. The first step, as always, is to log into Marin. 
  2. Next, navigate to the object-level tab of your choosing. For example, the Keywords tab or the Groups tab. 
  3. Then, click on the Column Selector
  4. Use the search functionality within the Column Selector to identify the Device column. Select the check-box for this column to add it to the grid. You can drag and drop the column on the left-hand side to re-order it. 
  5. Then, click Apply
  6. From here, you will see all of your data broken out by device, for the object level you are viewing. For any individual object, you might see up to four separate rows of data -- one row each for Desktop, Mobile, Tablet, and 'Other' performance, where 'Other' is considered a catch-all for when we have metrics available but do not know the device. 

    Together, these four rows make up an object's overall performance.
  7. When you see data in the 'Other' category, there are two possible reasons why something might be categorized this way.
    1. Conversion tracking is missing device identifiers. You can learn more about this here.
    2. Sometimes cost data is reported to the 'Other' segment for Display and video campaigns where an ad is placed on TV screens. You can learn more about this from Google's help article here. We are looking into the possibility of adding TV Screens as a device segment in the future. Please check this article for future updates. 
  8. You can use the Account Navigator, Column SelectorCalendar Selector, and Filters as usual in order to dig into your data in more detail. You can apply a filter to the Device column in order to learn about overall performance for a specific device (for example, your overall Mobile performance) or you can filter for a specific object to understand performance across all devices for that object.
  9. Using the Column Selector, you can also add columns for your Bid Adjustment columns and Recommended Bid Adjustment. These columns will vary depending on which object level you're currently viewing, for example, if you're on the Campaign level, you will see columns for Campaign Bid Adj. and Campaign Rec. Bid Adj.

Optimization Opportunities

In addition to the device data that is available in the grid, Marin has also created an Insight that includes information about missed opportunities due to device multipliers. Known as the Single Keyword Ad Group Insight, this data can help you to look for keywords that are over- or under-performing so you can adjust your device multipliers accordingly. You can then branch off these keywords into their own ad group in order to define better device-level modifiers. 

To learn more about this Insight, check out our dedicated Insights article and look for details about the Single Keyword Ad Group Insight.

Important Notes

  • As you use the Devices grid and add columns to your view, apply filters, etc., note that when you switch the view to a different level of the hierarchy, your grid edits will still apply, provided they are still eligible in the new view. For example, if you apply a filter on your Campaign Name and Dimension columns while viewing device data at the Campaign level, then switch your view to the Group level, you will see the same filters applied.


  • The Marin algorithm uses device performance to set mobile bid adjustments. You can learn more from our Device Bidding article. 

URL Setup

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024