View Builder Column Definitions And Descriptions For Keywords And Campaigns


From the main Keywords tab, in the upper-right of the grid, you'll see the View Builder link. From here you can add or remove a variety of columns to or from the grid for quick reference.

'Settings' View Builder Columns For Keywords

The following are accessible from the Settings section of the left-hand View Builder menu.

Name Source Definition
Account Publisher Nickname given to a publisher account
Publisher Publisher Publisher for the selected account: Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, or Facebook
Campaign Publisher The parent Campaign of the Keyword
Group Publisher The parent Group of the Keyword
Match Type Publisher

Match Type is either Broad, Phrase, or Exact.

For Yahoo, Standard = Exact, and Advanced = Broad

Search Bid $ Calculated

Keyword search bid currently set at the publisher

Note: If Search Bid = 0 [zero], then the Group Search Bid is used as the search bid set at the publisher.

Status Publisher Status of a Keyword is Active, Paused, or Deleted. The status of the parent object will be listed if the parent status overrides the keyword value. For example, a Keyword would display Campaign Paused if it inherited a Paused status from its parent Campaign.
Destination URL Publisher or upload Destination URL of keyword, group or creative
Landing Page Publisher (Google only) or upload Google's Final URL
Mobile Landing Page Publisher (Google only) or upload Google's Final URL for mobile
Tracking Template Publisher (Google only) or upload Template URL for tracking solutions and extra parameters
Custom Parameters Publisher (Google only) or upload User-defined ValueTrack parameters
Click Through URL Publisher  Landing page for keywords utilizing re-directs
Strategy Application Setting Strategy containing Keyword's parent Group
Calc. Search Bid $ Calculated The bid is calculated by the application from the historical performance data and Strategy bidding targets.
Rec. Search Bid Chg. € Calculated The difference between the current calculated search bid and the last calculated search bid.
Rec. Search Bid Chg. % Calculated The difference between the current calculated search bid and the last calculated search bid divided by the current calculated search bid.
Min. Bid $ Publisher First Page Bid (Google) or Min. Bid for the keyword, as defined by the publisher
Min. Bid Delta $ Calculated Calculated as Search Bid $ - Min Bid $. If Search Bid $ = 0, then Group Search Bid $ is used. If negative, indicates the amount that the Search Bid $ is below the Min Bid $.
Group Search Bid $ Publisher Bid for the Keyword's parent Group. Group Search Bid is used for a Keyword when the Keyword Search Bid = 0
Estimated RPC $ Calculated Gross Profit / Clicks based on a Keyword's historical performance. This calculation is performed over the date range used for the bidding algorithm and NOT over the date range displayed. Value per Click is blended with other Keywords in the Strategy only when insignificant data is available for that Keyword.
Bid Override Application Setting Indicates if Keyword is in Bid Override mode. Bid Override is set to On for Keywords that are being bid manually (see also Bid Override in the Edit Keyword menu). Otherwise, Bid Override status is set to Off.
Override Until Application Setting Expiration date for Bid Override
Bid Calc. Date Calculated Date of most recent bidding calculation
Quality Score Publisher Google Ads calculates a Quality Score for each Keyword based on relevance to a consumer's search query and the corresponding ad text. A Keyword's Quality Score updates frequently based on performance. A high Quality Score means the keyword will trigger ads in a higher position at a lower Cost Per Click (CPC).

'Advanced' View Builder Settings For Keywords

The following are accessible from the Advanced section of the left-hand View Builder menu.

Name Source Definition
Creation Date Application Setting Keyword creation date, or date keyword was linked into the application
Pub. ID Publisher Publisher Assigned Keyword ID
Param 2 (Microsoft) Publisher Value of keyword's Param 2 Variable ( Microsoft Only)
Param 3 (Microsoft) Publisher Value of keyword's Param 3 Variable ( Microsoft Only)
Phrase Bid (Microsoft) Publisher Phrase match type bid (Microsoft Only)
Exact Bid (Microsoft) Publisher Exact match type bid (Microsoft Only)
Content Bid (Microsoft) Publisher Content match type bid (Microsoft Only)
Alt. Text (Yahoo) Publisher Keyword alt text (Yahoo Only)
Redirect ID User Redirect ID used for Atlas redirects (only applicable for clients using Atlas)
Relevance Application Setting Measure of Keyword's relevance to the Creatives in its add group. Measured on a scale of 0-100, where 100 is the most relevant.
Live Ads Param 1 User Numeric insertion parameters that can be used in creatives (Google Only)
Live Ads Param 2 User Numeric insertion parameters that can be used in creatives (Google Only)
Last Modified Date Application Setting Date the keyword was last updated
Length Publisher The number of characters for this keyword
Token Count Publisher The number of words (‘tokens’) for this keyword
Unique ID Application Setting The keyword’s unique tracking ID (only auto-populated for keywords created in the platform)

'Settings' View Builder Columns For Campaigns

The following are accessible from the Settings section of the left-hand View Builder menu.

Name Source Definition
Publisher Publisher Publisher for the selected account: Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, or Facebook
Account Publisher Nickname given to a publisher account
Status Publisher Status of a Campaign is Active, Paused, or Deleted.
Tracking Template Publisher (Google only) or upload Template URL for tracking solutions and extra parameters
Custom Parameters Publisher (Google only) or upload User-defined ValueTrack parameters
Local Inventory Ads Publisher Shows if Local Inventory Ads are enabled or disabled
Mobile Bid Adjustment Publisher Bid adjustment set by percentages, determines the frequency with which the ads are shown on mobile devices
Tablet Bid Adjustment Publisher Bid adjustment set by percentages, determines the frequency with which the ads are shown on tablet devices
Native Bid Adjustment Publisher Bid adjustment set by percentages, determines the frequency with which the native ads are shown on mobile devices
Inventory Filter Publisher Publisher setting that lets advertisers limit what products a given Shopping Campaign will show on the search results page, even before product groups are defined
Rec. Mobile Adj. Calculated Mobile bid adjustment recommendation set by percentages calculated by Marin’s bidding algorithm
Rec. Desktop Adj. Calculated Desktop bid adjustment recommendation set by percentages calculated by Marin’s bidding algorithm
Daily Budget Publisher Amount set for a campaign specifying how much on average a campaign should spend each day
End Date Publisher Setting that determines how long a campaign’s ads will run
Network Publisher Determines the network where customers will see the campaign’s ads
Devices Publisher Devices on which the campaign’s ads will be served
Device platforms Publisher Device platforms on which the campaign’s ads will be served
Device Carriers Publisher Device carriers on which the campaign’s ads will be served
Delivery Publisher Setting that determines how quickly you want to use your budget each day
Subtype Publisher Determines which settings and options are available, such as the types of ads
Bidding Type Publisher Publisher bidding model. Can be set to Budget Optimizer, Conversion Optimizer, CPC or CPM.
Strategy Application setting Strategy or Strategies containing the campaign or ad groups in the campaign
Geo-Targeting Publisher Geographical location where ads will be shown
Language Publisher Language targeting setting
CPC Bid Publisher Campaign CPC bid
Mobile Bid Adj. Exclusion Application Setting Excludes campaigns from platforms recommended bid adjustment

'Advanced' View Builder Settings For Campaigns

The following are accessible from the Advanced section of the left-hand View Builder menu

Name Source Definition
Creation Date Application Setting Campaign creation date, or date campaign was linked into the application
Last Modified Date Application Setting Date the campaign was last updated
Active Groups Application Setting Number of active ad groups in the campaign
Pub. ID Publisher Publisher assigned Campaign ID
Sched. Action Application Setting Next scheduled action set for the campaign
Baidu Status Publisher (Baidu only) Synchronisation status of the campaign
Campaign ID Marin Marin assigned Campaign ID

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024