"Item has a pending change that is being posted or is in Held status. Please post or cancel held changes before making further edits."

When uploading creatives in the platform, you may sometimes encounter this error message:

Error: Item has a pending change that is being posted or is in Held status. Please post or cancel held changes before making further edits.

What Causes The Issue?

This error is a result of an edit trying to be made to an object that is already in Held or To be sent status. Any object in Held or To be sent status will need to be posted or canceled before making anymore edits to that object.

How To Fix The Issue

You can see if there are any Held jobs, and post them by following these steps:

  1. Click the Activity Log button in the top-right corner.
  2. Filter Held on the Status column in the grid.
  3. Select the jobs and click the Post Now button ('arrow' icon).

Then you can resubmit the creatives that failed with the error message. If the above does not work or you have more questions, please contact our Customer Support team, who will be happy to help investigate.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024