Negative Keywords

As you may know, negative keywords are a way to refine your targeting strategy by excluding specific keywords that do not work well to drive conversions or revenue for your business. Negative keywords are an important part of any keyword targeting strategy and can help you improve performance and refine your targeting. 

Want to learn more about managing negative keywords in Marin? Read on to learn more.

A Note About Match Types 


Google negative keywords will default to Broad Match unless otherwise specified. To specify match type in your negative keyword bulk upload, you will simply include the Match Type column and specify Broad, Phrase, or Exact in the corresponding rows. 


Microsoft supports Phrase and Exact Match negative keywords. To specify match type in your negative keyword bulk upload, you will simply include the Match Type column and specify Phrase or Exact in the corresponding rows. 


Amazon supports Phrase and Exact Match negative keywords. To specify match type in your negative keyword bulk upload, you will simply include the Match Type column and specify Phrase or Exact in the corresponding rows. 

In Marin 

Negative keyword management in Marin can be found by clicking on Accounts > Keywords > Negatives in the left Navigation Bar.

From here, you can view all of your negative keywords across all of your publishers. To add additional negative keywords, simply follow the instructions listed in our bulk upload article.

Important Notes

  • Please note that negative keywords cannot be tagged with dimensions.
  • Google negative keyword lists in the Shared Library cannot be synced to the platform at this time as it is not supported in the API yet.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024