Setting Up Network and Distribution Targeting

Google campaigns, Yahoo! campaigns, and Microsoft groups have a Network setting that determines where creatives will be displayed.

The three options are:

  • Search: The search engine results page.
  • Search Partners: The search engine results page of other publishers such as AOL and Ask.
  • Display or Content: The syndicated group of contextual publisher websites.

Google Campaigns 

Network contains two campaign settings: Campaign Type (Search or Display) and Distribution (Search Partners, Display Select).

It is important to set the Campaign Type of any new campaigns correctly, as Google will not allow you to amend this once the campaign has been created.


  • Search only
  • Search and Search Partners (default setting)
  • Search and Display Select
  • Search, Search Partners and Display Select
  • Display only

How To Change The Google 'Network' Setting In Bulk 

Values have synonyms that can make uploads easier:

  • Search = Search Only
  • Partners = Search Partners = Search Network = Partner Network
  • Display = Display Select = Content = Content Network = Display Network


  • Multiple networks/distributions can be separated by a comma.
  • If not specified when creating a new campaign, campaigns will be opted into Search and Search Partners by default.


  Account Campaign [Network]
Create Display campaign Google new campaign Display
Opt-in Display Select Google existing campaign Search, Partners, Display
Opt-out Search Partners Google existing campaign Search
Create campaign targeting Search with Display Select Google campaign2 Search, Display
Update campaign to Search and Search Partners only Google campaign2 Search, Partners

Note: Creating a new campaign with the network Display Select will create a Display only campaign since this is a synonym. To create a Search with Display Select campaign you should enter "search, display select".

Yahoo! Campaigns And Microsoft Groups 

Yahoo! campaigns can be opted in or out of the Search or Content networks. Microsoft groups can be opted in or out of the Search, Search Partner, or Content networks.

To set the Network value in bulk, simply follow these guidelines: 

  • Valid options for Microsoft: Search, Search Network, Content
  • Valid options for Yahoo!: Search, Content

Note: Multiple networks/distributions can be separated by a comma.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024