Local Inventory Ads For Microsoft

Local Inventory Ads are an advertising format for your Microsoft Shopping Campaigns which allows you to promote your products and services to local shoppers on Microsoft. Featuring an “in-store” label, Local Inventory Ads take users to an advertiser’s website or a Microsoft-hosted storefront page that includes product and store information. When a user searches for a product, nearby retailers will be eligible to show ads for relevant inventory in stock in their nearby locations.

Marin Support 

Marin supports sync, reporting and bulk add/edit functionality for Microsoft local inventory ads.


Once a local inventory ad is created in the publisher platform, users can sync these ads down into the Marin platform either via the nightly sync jobs or by manually linking the new campaign using the linking wizard. Once the campaign is linked, you can view the campaign in the campaigns grid. Users can add the “Local Inventory Ads” column from the view builder to check if the campaign is “Enabled” or Disabled” for this setting.

Bulk Add/Edit 

Users can also create these campaigns using the bulk feature in Marin. In order to support this in bulk, we have added a new field at the campaign level called [Local Inventory Ads] which can be set as “enabled” or “disabled” (case insensitive). In addition, at the Product Group level, we have also added support for two new partitions called “Channel” and “Channel Exclusivity” with the following possible values:

  • All: Channel > Online
  • All: Channel > Local Store
  • All: Channel Exclusivity > Single Channel
  • All: Channel Exclusivity > Multi-Channel


Metrics for local inventory ads will be available on the grids similar to any other shopping campaign. Note: Currently the setting to enable or disable LIA is not available in single and multi-edit workflows. 

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024