"The Title Of The Ad Exceeds The Maximum Length" (Microsoft Ads Only)

When creating new ads, this error message may appear in the Activity Log:

Microsoft Advertising Error: The title of the ad exceeds the maximum length.


What Causes The Issue?

This error occurs when an ad headline exceeds the maximum number of characters.

How To Fix The Issue

To fix this error, reduce the number of characters in your headline.

  • Microsoft Advertising character requirements are as follows:
    • A minimum of at least 3 words is required in your title and descriptive text.
    • Ad title has a limit of 25 characters, including spaces.
    • Ad text has a limit of 71 characters, including spaces.
    • Display URLs have a limit of 35 characters. The Display URL is the internet address the costumer sees in the ad.
    • Destination URLs have a limit of 1,024 characters. The Destination URL is the internet address of the webpage a customer is taken to after clicking your link, or Display URL.
  • For Chinese content the character requirements are as follows:
    • Ad title has a limit of 15 characters, including spaces.
    • Ad text has a limit of 38 characters, including spaces.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024