Baidu Error "Keyword Conflicts With Existing Keywords"

After bulk uploading new keywords to Baidu, you may see the following error message in the activity log:

Baidu Error: Keyword conflicts with existing keywords


What Causes The Issue?

This error message may appear due to one of the following reasons.

  1. The affected keyword may already exist in Baidu's UI, but has not been synced to the platform.
  2. Baidu may consider your submitted keywords to be duplicates due to the following restrictions.
    • Same keywords with same or different match types are not allowed in the same Group.
    • Same keywords with same or different match types are allowed in the same Campaign, as long as they are in different Groups.
    • Same keywords with same or different match types are allowed in different Campaigns, since they would be in different Groups as well.

Please see our help center article for more details on Baidu's Approach To Duplicate Keywords In A Group.

How To Fix The Issue?

If the keywords already exist in Baidu, simply perform a manual sync. See our help center article for more information on Performing a Manual Sync.

If your keywords do not conform to Baidu's policy regarding duplicate keywords, as outlined above, then the keyword will need to be changed to fit the Baidu rules.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024