Multi-Objective Media Plan


Previously on the Marin Social platform, Media Plans were designed to be a place where you can bring together all of your campaigns for a Facebook or Twitter objective and manage, optimize, and report upon them all in a single place.

Over time however, as Facebook and Twitter have continued to release further campaign objectives covering an array of marketing objectives, we are evolving the Media Plan to allow you to manage multiple publisher objectives within a single Media Plan - allowing you to have end-to-end coverage of your marketing objective in a single place.

How It Works 

Media Plan Creation Form  

Previously, you were required to define a campaign objective for the Media Plan. This is changing.  Going forward, you will be able to have multiple objectives within the same Media Plan.

Within the Media Plan form, you will continue to define the Publisher Account and Instagram account, but the objective is now optional. Objective can be set at the Campaign level going forward.

  • Default Objective
    • Selecting an objective here will preset all of the campaigns within the Media Plan to this objective, but this can easily be changed in the Campaign creation form.
    • The Default Objective is required in the Media Plan form if you are running Message Booster campaigns.
    • If the Default Objective requires a Promoted Object, this field will also appear. The Promoted Object can also be overridden or set at the Campaign Level.
  • Main KPI selection
  • Main KPI will now be set at the Media Plan form for all objectives.
  • By default we will set the relevant Main KPIs per objective. You have the option to set additional KPIs during the creation or afterward by editing the KPIs via the Media Plan Parameters page.

ROI & Revenue

  • We are enhancing the Revenue calculation with the ROI display
  • Previously Revenue in this field was a total of all revenue from all pixels that were being tracked within the Media Plan.
  • Now, we have changed this so that ROI will only be calculated against Revenue from Main KPI’s.
  • We added additional Revenue columns to the View Builder to allow you to see Revenue from every pixel/app event you have on your account.

Campaign Creation Form 

To create Campaigns, we have enhanced the creation form to allow for multiple objectives within the same Media Plan. You can create a new Campaign by clicking on the ‘New’ button on the actions bar within the grid.

Objective & Promoted Object

  • You can now set your objective in the Campaign creation form.
  • If you set a Default Objective in the Media Plan form, the objective here will be preset with that selection, but you have the choice to change it.
  • If your Objective requires a Promoted Object, the field will appear.

Grid Enhancements 

To support Multi-Objective Media Plans, we have made several enhancements to the grids.

Reach and Frequency Campaign creation

  • This can now be done within the grid, allowing you to create multiple R&F campaigns with different objectives.

View Builder

  • Now you can select to add or remove columns from your grid without going back into the Media Plan parameters.

Within the new View Builder we have added columns for:

  • Cost Per for all events
  • Revenue for all events
  • Settings, so now you can control which columns you see or not
  • Ads Creation
    • Ads creation now moves into the grid - into the Options column.
    • Depending upon the Campaign and its objective that you are selecting, the relevant Ads creation workflow will appear - for example, if it is a Dynamic Ads campaign, you will enter the DA Wizard.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024