Marin Attribution and Google Chrome 66, 70 Update - Symantec Removal

Chrome is in the process of removing Symantec's certificates and infrastructure. The goal of this update is to uphold users’ security and privacy when browsing the web. Google will move to a new, independently-operated Managed Partner Infrastructure until Symantec can redesign its infrastructure to adhere to industry standards. 

Chrome 66 

Starting with Chrome 66, Chrome removed trust in Symantec-issued certificates issued prior to June 1, 2016. Chrome 66 was scheduled to be released to Chrome Beta users on March 15, 2018 and to Chrome Stable users around April 17, 2018.

You may have received a notice stating that site operators with a certificate issued by a Symantec CA prior to June 1, 2016, then prior to the release of Chrome 66, will need to replace the existing certificate with a new certificate from any Certificate Authority trusted by Chrome.

Resolution - No Action Required 

There is no action you need to take to resolve this issue.

Marin currently uses a certificate that while valid, generates a warning and will be marked as untrusted when Chrome 70 is released on 2018-10-23. Marin will replace the certificate in May to ensure no disruption to service.

Chrome 70 

On October 23rd, 2018, Google will release Chrome 70 which will remove Symantec’s infrastructure and certificates. The goal of this update is to uphold users’ security and privacy when browsing the web. Google will move to a new, independently-operated Managed Partner Infrastructure until Symantec can redesign its infrastructure to adhere to industry standards. 

Resolution - No Action Required 

For Marin users, you do not need to take any action to resolve this issue. Marin currently uses a certificate that while valid, generates a warning and will be marked as untrusted when Chrome 70 is released. In May, Marin will replace the certificate used to ensure no disruption to service.

For more information about this update, please visit the Google Online Security blog page regarding this topic.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024