Publisher Tracking Overview


For clients who send conversion and revenue information to the publishers, our platform will automatically pull down this data, when cost reports are downloaded. If you currently utilize revenue tracking from the publisher, confirm that our platform is successfully importing the data. Once your account is set up, compare the revenue in the platform with the publisher data.

Note: Because the platform will pull conversion and revenue data alongside other publisher data, there is no need to append tracking parameters to the URLs.

Publisher Tracking Considerations

  • Requires multiple pixels on conversion pages (Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, etc.)
  • Does not capture raw search queries or natural search data. 
  • Only 1 conversion event.
  • For Google conversions to be pulled into Marin, be certain to select the box for "Include in Conversions" on the publisher side.

platform Features Matrix

Functionality Publisher Tracking
Search Query Report (available from Google)  Yes (Google Only)
Raw Search Query Reporting No
URL Builder No
URL Auto Correct No
Date of Click Reporting Yes
Date of Sale Reporting No
Compatible with Call Tracking Vendors No
Changes to destination URLs No
Supports Multiple Conversion Types Yes
Changes to Landing Pages No
Changes to Thank-you Pages No
Upload by Order ID No
Product Feed Automation No
Attribution Modelling No
Creative Level Tracking  Yes
Creative Testing  Yes
Placement Level Tracking Yes (Google Only) 
Keyword Expansion - Cross Publisher No
Ad Scheduling Recommendation  Yes (Google Only)

Additional Information About Publisher Tracking

  • See the following Help articles for more information:
  • When using Publisher Tracking, you do not need to append any tracking parameters to your URLs. The platform will pull in the conversion and revenue data via the same process as the other publisher metrics (such as impressions, clicks, cost data, etc.)
  • To check how data is being pulled into the platform, follow these steps:
    1. Navigate to the main Channels tab
    2. Click on Manage Accounts
    3. Select the publisher account listed on the left-side of this linking wizard to view its Publisher Data setting.
    4. Ensure that Publisher Data shows Revenue and Conversion Data (Google and Microsoft) or Conversion Data Only.
  • The platform does not currently bring in view-through conversions from the publisher. We are looking to support this in the near future.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024