“Invalid Match Type (Expected Broad, Phrase or Exact)”

You may find that your revenue upload either fails or reports as only partially successful in the Activity Log. When you download the revenue file, by clicking the File link in the affected row, you’ll see the following error message appearing in one or more rows within the CSV file:

Invalid Match Type "{matchtype}" (Expected Broad, Phrase or Exact)


What Causes The Issue?

  1. This problem is most commonly caused by the ValueTrack parameter – in this case {matchtype} – not being populated for affected conversions. This suggests that the click that generated these conversions did not go through a search engine. There may be times when a destination URL is clicked within the platform, or pasted into a browser, in order to test conversion tracking. Test conversions like these will result in the above error being present in the revenue file.
  2. The problem can also be caused by having other parameters directly before the match type. For example, if your keyword destination URL ended in 'Blue-b' with b being the broad match type and Blue being a separate parameter.

How To Fix Or Prevent The Issue

  1. This error message is part of the platform’s expected behavior, particularly if you are testing new conversion types. If the error appears and you are confident that test conversions have not taken place, please get in touch with our Customer Support team.
  2. If you have other parameters before the match type, you can try removing these parameters altogether or switching their location in the URL. In the example given above, this would result in the end of the URL becoming 'b-Blue'.

Additional Information

  • You may encounter variants of this error message within your revenue file if you are using multiple tracking parameters. For example, it’s possible for the {creative} parameter to also appear in such a message. Again, this is likely the result of test conversions.
  • Note that even after you have corrected the issue, you may still see unattributed date of click data and assists. This is because at the time of the click, the URLs would still have been malformed.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024