Accuracy of Data within Marin


We work hard to minimize differences between the numbers and attributes in Marin and what shows in the publishers/search engines. For example, Marin pulls the last three days of cost data every day and our bi-directional sync looks for differences between the campaigns in Marin vs. the publisher.

Accuracy In The Platform

Cost Data

Cost Data broadly refers to information from publishers, including impressions, clicks, cost, and other click-side metrics. As a guideline, this data is accurate to +0.3% (3 per 1000) or +10 units in absolute terms (for example 10 impressions), whichever is greater. You should take this measurement three days after the subject date. For example, view campaign metrics for March 1st on March 4th. If Google shows 2000 impressions, the application should show no more than 2010 impressions.

Over-counts result from Google allocating impressions to a keyword, then afterward reallocating all those impressions to another keyword (we capture partial reallocation). Partly-linked publisher accounts, new campaign objects created in the publisher and not yet synced to Marin, or unsupported ad types can all result in perceived under-counts.

If you see discrepancies exceeding the guideline without any of the previously mentioned reasons, please contact our Customer Support team.

Revenue Data

Revenue Data includes conversion and revenue metrics. If this data comes from publishers, it can also be affected by the three-day look-back window, though some businesses have click-to-conversion latency that exceeds this window. If you are uploading revenue data yourself, the accuracy depends on many other factors. Contact your Marin account representative for more information specific to your context.

For integrations such as Marin Tracker, there is a default 30-day conversion window. This means that there may be some latent conversions and revenue coming in on later days, which will update your metrics. This is expected behavior.

Additional Information

If you have set an agency fee, that will be included in your profit calculations, which can cause confusion in some cases. 

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: January 18th, 2024