Editing Existing URLs After URL Builder Settings Have Been Updated


It may sometimes be necessary to update the URL Builder in order to add or remove certain parameters from the current settings. After these changes have been made, the relevant URLs will need to be rebuilt. In this article, we'll explain how this is done. 


To rebuild URLs after edits have been saved to the URL Builder, simply create a report of all the URLs that need to be updated, by publisher. You should include the usual columns that you'd use in your bulk uploads for building URLs. Note: Depending on your current URL Builder settings, you may need to include the Landing PageDestination URL or Click Through URL columns. 

Be sure to include the base URL without any parameters. Because URL Builder needs to detect a change in the landing page to be triggered, you will have to include or omit an extra character, such as ? or /, from the base landing page -- unless you are uploading a new landing page. For example, if your current Landing PageDestination URL or Click Through URL column is set to http://www.example.com/, you could change it to http://www.example.com? before uploading. The URL Builder will then rebuild the destination URLs with the current settings in your URL Builder, and the existing tracking/unique ID will be retained. 

If you are using Upgraded or Advanced URL structure and Account Level Tracking Templates, you will need to update your Tracking Template as well as saving the URL Builder settings will not apply the Account Level Tracking Template. To apply the saved URL Builder settings to your publisher accounts, you will need to follow the instructions below.

  1. Click on Accounts > Publishers.
  2. Select the check boxes next to any Google publisher accounts where you wish to apply your Account Level Tracking Template.
  3. From there, click on the Edit button and select Tracking Template.
  4. You can type anything you'd like into the blank text box, as URL Builder settings will always trump what is typed into this field. For example, you could write "Hello World" and the resulting job would utilize the URL Builder Tracking Template and not what was typed into the box.
  5. You can then go ahead and hit Apply. Once you save, check the Activity Log, find and select the corresponding activity, then post the Tracking Template to Google.

Important Notes

  • You're able to preview your URL changes from the file in the Activity Log before posting to the publisher.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024