Lead Engagement Custom Audiences


If you're taking advantage of Facebook's Lead Ads, then you may want to consider implementing a Lead Engagement Custom Audience. This type of audience allows you to segment users into different audiences based on their interaction (or lack of interaction) with your lead ads.

Once created, your Lead Engagement Custom Audiences can be then excluded from your marketing campaigns to ensure you aren't spending your advertising budget on users who have already completed your forms.

What Are Lead Engagement Custom Audiences? 

In a nutshell, a Lead Engagement Custom Audience is a group of users who have been shown a lead ad and who can be categorized into one of the following segments:

  • Users who have completed the form
  • Users who did not complete the form
  • Users who opened the form

How To Create Lead Engagement Custom Audiences 

To begin creating and using Lead Engagement Custom Audiences, first log in to Marin Social as normal, then follow these steps: 

  1. Navigate to Audiences > Custom Audiences > New Custom Audience > Lead Engagement.
  2. Enter a Name and Description.
  3. Assign the Lead Form that you'd like the audience to be associated with.
  4. Determine whether you'd like the custom audience to target:
    • Users who have completed the form
    • Users who did not complete the form
    • Users who opened the form
  5. For this example, we will choose Users who have completed the form
  6. Enter the number of Retention Days that you'd like the custom audience to monitor.
  7. Click Save.

Applying The Lead Engagement Custom Audience 

Once your Lead Engagement Custom Audience is in place, you will need to assign the custom audience to your ad sets. There are two ways you can do this:

  1. Assign a custom audience during the ad creation process
  2. Use the Mass Editor tool

Assign A Custom Audience During The Ad Creation Process 

To exclude your custom audience during the ad creation process, simply: 

  1. Navigate to your media plan dashboard. Locate the campaign you'd like to create ads in and click Add Ads.
  2. Fill out the appropriate information, then to exclude the audience, expand the Custom Audience and Connections section.
  3. Click Exclude Audience.
  4. Click on the Lead Engagement tab.
  5. Select the custom audience you wish to exclude, then click Add on audience.
  6. Save your creatives and your Lead Engagement audience will now be excluded from your targeting.

Use The Mass Editor Tool 

To exclude your custom audience by editing an existing ad set, simply: 

  1. Navigate to your campaign list, locate the campaign you'd like to modify and click Edit Ads
  2. Click on the Target tab.
  3. Click on the Custom Audience and Connections tab.
  4. Find the ad set you wish to modify and click into the Exclude Custom Audience section. 
  5. Click on the Exclude audience tab 
  6. Click on the Lead Engagement tab. 
  7. Select the custom audience you wish to exclude, then click Add on audience
  8. Determine whether you'd like to the change to be made to this ad set, selected or all ad sets.
  9. Your Lead Engagement Custom Audience will now be excluded from your targeting.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024