Six Steps To Optimal App Speed And Efficiency

Working with large amounts of data within the application at any one time can lead to long load times. This article will run through, in no particular order, seven steps to help you minimize the time it takes pages to load within the platform.

Step One: Optimize Your Column Usage

To minimize the amount of data viewed at any one time, it is recommended that you only include columns you need for the action you are performing. Any unnecessary columns will increase the time a page takes to load. Removing metric columns to leave only attribute columns (CampaignGroup, etc.) means you'll be able to see the full grid much more quickly, which may be useful when creating a report to perform bulk/copy actions that do not require metrics.

Step Two: Minimize Your Date Ranges

Generally, the longer the date range selected in the calendar, the longer it will take for pages to load. Therefore, when navigating between tabs keeps a short date range selected e.g., one day. If you accidentally navigate to a page with a large date range selected which is not required, simply navigate back to the channels page (as it has the least items and will load the grid faster) and change the date range, before navigating back to the original tab as desired.

Step Three: Make The Most Of Custom Views

If there are certain views that you need on a regular basis, it would help to save these. Saving views will stop you from having to navigate through the view builder and will only pre-populate columns that you need. In addition, you can save these views as widgets for the dashboard providing fast access to the data as required.

Step Four: Delete Unnecessary Dimensions

A large number of dimensions can increase overall load times. Therefore we recommend removing any dimensions that are not being used.

Step Five: Adjust Your Default View

To minimize load times, most accounts will by default only show keywords with one click or more in the last twelve months. However, for some high-traffic accounts it might be appropriate to increase this threshold to five clicks or more in the past year, in order to further increase load speed. Please contact your platform representative if you think this may be a good option for you.

Step Six: Sort Your Bulk Files Alphabetically

If you use the bulk upload feature for adding keywords, creatives, or any other objects to the platform, you can save a lot of time by sorting your bulk sheets alphabetically. You can decrease processing and posting time by up to 25% by sorting bulk files alphabetically by (in the of case of a keyword bulk upload): Account. Campaign, Group and Keyword.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024