Bulk Upload Requirements

The following tables outline the requirements for some of the most popular types of fields used in bulk uploads and API requests. 

In the tables below, columns with a Header that is in square brackets [ ] are optional, while those without brackets are required.

If you'd like to learn more about bulk uploads, check out our dedicated article. To learn more about the API, see this article.


Header Value Note
Account Publisher Account Name that is shown at Channel tab  
Campaign Campaign name  
Group Group name  
Keyword Keyword  
[Match Type] Broad, Exact, Phrase

While this column is not required, it is recommended for most keyword-level bulk uploads.

If no Match Type is specified in the bulk sheet, default Match Type will be used, which is Broad.

[Status] Active, Paused, Deleted  
[Search Bid] Max CPC value  
[Landing Page] Google / Microsoft's Final URL Google / Microsoft
[Mobile Landing Page] Google's Final URL for mobile Google only
[Destination URL] Destination URL for keyword  
[Tracking Template] Template URL for tracking solutions and extra parameters Google / Microsoft
[Custom Parameters] User-defined ValueTrack parameters Google / Microsoft
[Bid Override] On, Off  
[Override Until] YYYY/MM/DD  
[Bid Override Target Position Range] 1.0-10.0  
[Click Through URL] If URL is Redirect  


Header Google Microsoft Yahoo! Japan Note
Account Publisher Account Name that is shown at Channel tab Publisher Account Name that is shown at Channel tab Publisher Account Name that is shown at Channel tab  
Campaign Campaign name Campaign name Campaign name  
Group Group name Group name Group name  
[Creative ID] N/A N/A N/A Used to edit an existing creative and included in any Creative reports.
[Headline] Ad Text Headline Ad Text Headline Ad Text Headline  
[Description Line 1] Ad Text Description Line 1 Ad Text Description Line 1 Ad Text Description Line 1  
[Description Line 2] Ad Text Description Line 2. Used for ETAs and RSAs. For ETAs, this field is optional and can show if there is enough ad real estate, but is not guaranteed to always show. For RSAs, this field is required. Ad Text Description Line 2. Used for ETAs and RSAs. For ETAs, this field is optional and can show if there is enough ad real estate, but is not guaranteed to always show. For RSAs, this field is required.    
[Creative Type] Specify the type of creative being uploaded Specify the type of creative being uploaded

Text Ad 

App A

[Status] Active, Paused, Deleted Active, Paused, Deleted Active, Paused, Deleted  
[Display URL] Visible URL Visible URL Visible URL  
[Landing Page] Google's Final URL N/A N/A  
[Mobile Landing Page] Google's Final URL for mobile N/A N/A  
[Destination URL] N/A destination URL for creative N/A  
[Click Through URL] N/A If URL is Redirect If URL is Redirect  
[Tracking Template] Template URL for tracking solutions and extra parameters Template URL for tracking solutions and extra parameters N/A  
[Custom Parameters] User-defined ValueTrack parameters N/A N/A  
[Image] File name of image ad file File name of image ad file N/A  
[Creative Name] Ad name of image ad Ad name of image ad N/A  
[Policy Name] the specific editorial policy that caused a keyword or creative to be rejected by the publisher the specific editorial policy that caused a keyword or creative to be rejected by the publisher N/A  
[Violating Text] the specific word or words that broke the publisher editorial policy the specific word or words that broke the publisher editorial policy N/A  
[Device Preference] Mobile preferred Mobile preferred Mobile preferred (In the platform, the value is shown as "Smart phone preferred") Yahoo! Japan: When using "Mobile preferred", make sure to use "Text2 (15-19-19)" in [Creative Type]
[Ad Name (Yahoo Japan)] N/A N/A Ad Name (Any name you want)  
[Carriers] N/A N/A Docomo, KDDI, Softbank  
[Display URL Nav 1] An ETA and ETA++ field that is equivalent to Google's Path 1 field. An ETA field that is equivalent to Microsoft's Path 1 field An ETA field that is equivalent to Yahoo Japan's Directory 1 field  
[Display URL Nav 2] An ETA and ETA++ field that is equivalent to Google's Path 2 field An ETA field that is equivalent to Microsoft's Path 2 field An ETA field that is equivalent to Yahoo Japan's Directory 2 field  
[Headline 2] Used for ETAs and RSAs. Required for both Used for ETAs and RSAs. Required for both N/A  
[Headline 3] Used for ETAs and RSAs. For ETAs, this field is optional and can show if there is enough ad real estate, but is not guaranteed to always show. For RSAs, this field is required. Used for ETAs and RSAs. For ETAs, this field is optional and can show if there is enough ad real estate, but is not guaranteed to always show. For RSAs, this field is required. N/A  
[Headline 4] through [Headline 15] Used for RSAs (optional) N/A N/A  
[Description Line 3] Used for RSAs (optional) N/A N/A  
[Description Line 4] Used for RSAs (optional) N/A N/A  
[Headline Pinned to Position 1] through [Headline Pinned to Position 3] Used for RSAs (optional) N/A N/A  
[Description Pinned to Position 1] Used for RSAs (optional) N/A N/A  
[Description Pinned to Position 2] Used for RSAs (optional) N/A N/A  


Field Default Google Microsoft Yahoo! Japan Amazon Description
Account None Must not contain any null (code point 0x0), NL line feed (code point 0xA) or carriage return (code point 0xD) characters. Account name that is shown on the Marin Publishers grid to associate with the campaign
Campaign None Campaign name
[Status] Active Active, Paused, Deleted Status to associate with the campaign
[Strategy] None Must not contain any null (code point 0x0), NL line feed (code point 0xA) or carriage return (code point 0xD) characters. Marin strategy name to associate with the campaign
[Mobile Bid Adjustment] 0 -100, 90 to 900, inclusive -100 to 900, inclusive -100, 90 to 900, inclusive N/A Percentage by which to alter bids when ads appear on mobile devices. When value is -100, ads are opted out of mobile devices. 
[Mobile Bid Adj. Exclusion]   On N/A On N/A  
[Tablet Bid Adjustment] 0 -100, 90 to 900, inclusive -100 to 900, inclusive -100, 90 to 900, inclusive N/A Percentage by which to alter bids when ads appear on tablet devices. When value is -100, ads are opted out of tablet devices.
[Desktop Bid Adjustment] 0 -100, 90 to 900, inclusive Not Supported in Marin -100, 90 to 900, inclusive N/A Percentage by which to alter bids when ads appear on desktop devices. When value is -100, ads are opted out of desktop devices. 
[Tracking Template] None Must not contain any null (code point 0x0), NL line feed (code point 0xA) or carriage return (code point 0xD) characters.



Template URL to associate with the campaign. 
[Custom Parameters] None Custom parameter names can contain up to 16 alphanumeric characters. Custom parameter values have a maximum length of 200 characters and cannot reference other custom parameters. Marin supports up to 3 custom parameters per object. To set custom parameters, use a comma delimiter. For example: mkwid={_mkwid}, utm_source=ppc, creative={creative} N/A User-defined value track parameters to associate with the campaign. 
[Start Date] Today Must use the locale of the Marin client account locale. For example for UK locale, use DD/MM/YYYY Date for when the campaign should start getting traffic.
[Campaign End Date] None Date for when the campaign should stop getting traffic.
[Daily Budget] Average budget for campaigns in the account -- -- Minimum daily budget is 100 yen -- Value for daily budget to associate with the campaign
[Network] Search & Search Partners Search, Search Partners, Content (or a combination of these) N/A N/A All the places where your ads can appear.
[Final URL Suffix] None -- Not Supported in Marin N/A N/A URL suffix for tracking solutions and extra parameters
[Campaign Type] Sponsored Products N/A N/A N/A Enum: Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Display, Sponsored TV The Amazon campaign type to associate with the campaign
[Target ROAS] None Enter as “percent format” - e.g. a target ROAS of 1.06 or 106% would be entered as “106" N/A N/A Updates the Publisher Bidding Target ROAS where supported.  Only supported for Google and Microsoft


Header Value Note
Strategy   Required
[Bid Calculations]



Controls whether calculated bids are posted to the publisher

Pace to Spend Target,

Max Conversions to Spend, 

ax Revenue to Spend

Only required when changing the goal of the Strategy of episodic with a Spend Target.  Required field when updating “Spend Target”
[Spend Target] > 0.00 Episodic (typically Calendar Monthly) target for the Strategy
[Target CPA] > 0.00  
[Target ROAS] > 0.00 Enter as “decimal format” - e.g. a target ROAS of 1.06 or 106% would be entered as “1.06".  (Note this is different to Campaigns Bulk Upload, which expects percent format).
[Exclude Recent Days] Blank, 0 or > 0 Ignores the last n-days (from today) from being used in the bidding calculations.  Useful when you know revenue is partially/under stated in the last n-days.  Blank is treated as a 0.  Typically >3, but if you need to set higher values, then please discuss with your Marin Representative who can advice on alternative solutions.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024