Using Blank Rows, Blank Columns, and Default Values in Bulk Sheets

Including blank rows or columns in bulk sheets can lead to unexpected results. Therefore, it is a good idea to be aware of the effects of blank rows and columns before including them in an upload.

Blank Rows In Bulk Sheets

A completely blank row in a bulk sheet will cause that upload to fail. Therefore, blank rows should always be removed.

Blank Columns In Bulk Sheets

The results of a blank column (a column that has a header but no data in one or more of the cells) will depend on the heading of the column. Here are some general guidelines:

  • For some column headers, a blank is taken as an instruction to apply the default for that column. For example, if you upload a keyword bulk sheet with blanks under the Match Type column, in the absence of a specific instruction, the match type broad would be applied because broad is the default match type in Marin.
  • Other column headers will take a blank as an instruction to overwrite the current value with nothing. An example of this is the Destination URL column. If there’s a blank entry underneath this header, Marin will replace the current destination URL (if there is one) with nothing.  

A list of default values is listed in the table below. This should help you to understand the impact blank columns may have on various columns when creating or editing in bulk.

Generally speaking, it is best to not have blanks in your bulk sheets unless you are confident they will produce the results you want. If you are unsure about the effect a blank entry will have, please reach out to your Marin account representative.

Important Information

  • Please note that you cannot edit the match type of a keyword; instead, a new keyword will be created with the match type specified. If match type is omitted and there is only one (undeleted) matching keyword in the group, any changes will be made to that keyword. Marin sees a keyword with a new match type as a different keyword. This is the same behavior that is used within the publishers' UIs -- if you edit a keyword match type within the publisher's interface, the original keyword will be deleted in Marin and a new keyword with a new match type will be created. 
  • Keyword text cannot be modified. This will always create new keywords. This is true in Marin as well as on the publisher side.
  • Note that bulk files can use the header Ad Group instead of Group, which is useful when using AWE exports.

Bulk Upload Default Values

The following table explains the default values (for both create and edit operations) that will be inserted if these fields are left blank during an upload.

Type Column Bulk Create Bulk Edit
Campaign [Status] Active Active
Campaign [Start Date] Today No change
Campaign [Campaign End Date] No End Date No change (can set to blank by uploading 'null' or 'none')
Campaign [Daily Budget] Average budget for campaigns in the account No change
Campaign [Network] Search & Search Partners No change (cannot edit Google campaign type)
Campaign [Devices] All Devices No change
Campaign (Google) [Mobile Bid Adjustment] 0 No change
Group [Status] Active Active
Group [Search Bid] 0.01 No change
Group (Microsoft) [Content Bid] 0 No change
Group (Microsoft) [Start Date] Today No change
Group (Microsoft) [End Date] Blank No change
Group (Microsoft) [Network] Search & Search Partners No change
Group (Microsoft) [Devices] All Devices No change
Keyword [Match Type] Broad

When editing a keyword, make sure to include the match type column in the bulk sheet. By having a match type column and filling out the keyword match type (the Broad/Phrase/Exact match), the bulk sheet tells the platform that this keyword already exists. So the platform does not create a new keyword but edit the original one.

Note: You cannot edit Match Types.

Keyword [Status] Active Active
Keyword [Search Bid] 0 (group bid will be used) No change
Keyword [Click Through URL] Blank No change
Keyword [Bid Override] Off No change
Keyword [Destination URL] Blank Blank if column header is included. (No change if it is omitted)
Keyword (Google) [Live Ads Param 1] Blank No change (can set to blank by uploading 'NULL')
Keyword (Google) [Live Ads Param 2] Blank No change (can set to blank by uploading 'NULL')
Keyword (Microsoft) [Param 2 (Microsoft)] Blank No change (can set to blank by uploading 'NULL')
Keyword (Microsoft) [Param 3 (Microsoft)] Blank No change (can set to blank by uploading 'NULL')
Creative [Creative ID] (Should not be included for Create) (if omitted, a new Creative will be created)
Creative [Status] Active Active
Creative [Headline] Blank (will be rejected by publisher) No change
Creative [Description Line 1] Blank (will be rejected by publisher) No change
Creative (Google) [Description Line 2] Blank (will be rejected by publisher) No change
Creative [Display URL] Blank (will be rejected by publisher) No change
Creative [Click Through URL] Blank No change
Creative (Google) [Device Preference] No No change
Creative [Destination URL] Blank Blank if column header is included. (No change if it is omitted)
Placement (Google) [Destination URL] Blank Blank if column header is included. (No change if it is omitted)
Placement (Google) [Click Through URL] Blank No change
Placement (Google) [Status] Active Active
Placement (Google) [Max Bid] 0 (Group bid will be used) No change
Sitelink [Sitelink ID] (Should not be included for create) (If omitted, a new sitelink will be created)
Sitelink [Link Text] Blank (will be rejected by publisher) No change
Sitelink [Click Through URL] Blank (will be rejected by publisher) No change
Sitelink [Destination URL] Blank (will be rejected by publisher) No change
Sitelink (Google) [Description 1] Blank No change (can set to blank by uploading NULL)
Sitelink (Google) [Description 2] Blank No change (can set to blank by uploading NULL)
Sitelink (Google) [Start Date] Blank No change (can set to blank by uploading NULL)
Sitelink (Google) [End Date] Blank No change (can set to blank by uploading NULL)
Sitelink (Google) [Device Preference] All No change
Sitelink [Status] (Should not be included for create) No change

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024