Renaming Campaigns & Ad Groups

Updating multiple campaign and ad group names is a non-trivial task for larger, more complex accounts. To streamline this process and save you time, you are able to edit the names of campaigns and groups in bulk by including the column Campaign ID or Group ID respectively in a bulk upload.

Including Campaign ID Or Group ID In A Bulk File 

To find the Campaign ID or Group ID column, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Column Selector by clicking the link in the upper-right of any main grid.
  2. Type Campaign ID or Group ID into the Search bar and select the check-box next to the relevant column.
  3. For a bulk upload, you will need to include the following columns:
    • Campaign bulk rename: Campaign, Account, Campaign ID
    • Group bulk rename: Group, Account, Campaign, Group I

For more guidance on creating a bulk sheet, please refer to our dedicated Help article.

Renaming Campaigns In Bulk 

  1. From any tab, click the Upload button. 
  2. From the drop-down at the top of the upload pane, select Campaign
  3. Upload your bulk file containing the columns Account, Campaign, and Campaign ID. 


  • The campaign name (Campaign column) cannot be blank for any rows.
  • For each row, the value in the Campaign column will overwrite the current campaign name for the campaign in that account with that campaign ID.
  • The value in the Campaign column and the current campaign name can be identical, in which case no change will be made.
  • You cannot rename deleted campaigns.
  • Other columns such as Status and Daily Budget can be included in the bulk file and these settings will be edited once the renaming is completed.

Renaming Groups In Bulk 

  1. From any tab, click the Upload button. 
  2. From the drop-down at the top of the upload pane, select Group
  3. Upload your bulk file containing the columns Account, Campaign, Group, and Group ID.


  • The group name (Group column) cannot be blank for any rows.
  • For each row, the value in the Group column will overwrite the current group name for the group in that campaign with that group ID.
  • The value in the Group column and the current group name can be identical in which case no change will be made.
  • You cannot rename deleted groups.
  • Other columns such as Status and Strategy can be included in the bulk file and these settings will be edited once the renaming is completed.

Important Notes 

  • Renaming a campaign to that of a campaign that already exists in an account is not possible and will return an error. However note that this is case sensitive, so ‘Duplicate Campaign’ and ‘duplicate campaign’ are both allowed in the same account. This also applies to groups within the same campaign.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024