Uncategorized Dimension Data Troubleshooting

Dimension values can be tagged at the Account, Campaign, Group, Keyword, or Creative level. For an overview of dimensions, please refer to the help article Creating & Tagging Dimensions.

There are multiple reasons why you may see data attributed to the Uncategorized line in your Dimensions tab. Below are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot this issue.

Note: If you wish to only report on objects that are tagged with dimensions by filtering out Uncategorized objects, bring in the Dimension column of your choosing and filter for 'Is not blank.'

Troubleshooting Uncategorized Dimension Data

1. Make Sure All Objects Are Actually Tagged

  • You can check for this by going to either the Keywords or Creatives tab (depending on how you are viewing your dimensions). Then bring in your dimension using View Builder, and apply the filter 'is blank' to this column. There should not be any objects that fit this criteria.

2. Make Sure You Are Viewing Your Dimension Data Correctly

  • In the Dimensions tab, you can roll up the data by Keyword or by Creative
  • If only creatives are tagged with a dimension value, make sure you are toggled to roll your data up by Creative.

3. Allow 24 Hours For Your Newly-Tagged Dimension Values To Appear In The Dimensions Tab

  • When you tag objects with dimension values, you will be able to view these values within the grid immediately.
  • However, a back-end sync needs to be kicked off before the data in the Dimensions tab updates. This will be automatically kicked off during the night sync.
  • Should you wish for the data to be displayed in the Dimensions tab before the automated sync takes place, please get in touch with our Customer Support team.

4. Make Sure Your Content And Placements Creatives Are Tagged At The Group Level

  • When viewing data rolled up by Keyword, certain objects will need to be tagged at a higher level than keyword-level.
  • If you have content and/or placement ads, make sure you tag the Groups that these ads belong to.

5. Check To Make Sure You Do Not Have Unattributed Conversions

  • In your revenue files, you will see a result of attributed only to the creative.
  • If this is the case, this will occur If your dimension is tagged at the keyword-level and you are viewing data rolled up by Keyword.
  • To get rid of the Unattributed row, you can tag all Groups that have unattributed data.
  • For more information about Unattributed revenue and conversions, please read our help center article.

6. Making Edits To Creatives Directly In Google Ads

  • Editing creatives directly in Google Ads will delete the original ad and create a new one.
  • This will require you to tag the new creative in the platform.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024