Amazon Sponsored Products


Sponsored Products is a campaign type for Amazon Advertising.

Amazon Sponsored Products campaigns are designed to help customers discover and purchase your products on Amazon via ads that appear in search results and on product pages.

If you're new to using Amazon with the Marin platform, please check out our dedicated article before reading more about our Sponsored Products support.

Other Amazon Campaign Types

This article outlines our support for Amazon's Sponsored Products campaigns, but we also offer support for Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Display.

If you're looking to link either of these campaign types to the platform, please follow the links below:

Syncing Frequency

Once you've linked a Sponsored Products campaign to Marin, the platform will begin syncing data for these campaigns during daily and nightly syncs. 

For reference, here's how often our platform syncs Sponsored Products campaign data: 

  • The platform syncs the following fields once per day:
    • CampaignsName, Status, Daily Budget, Start Date, End Date, Amazon Bidding Strategy, Bid Adjustments, Serving Status.
    • GroupsName, Status, Default Search Bid
    • KeywordsStatus, Search Bid
    • CreativesStatus
  • The platform syncs the following fields once per week:
    • GroupsServing Status
    • KeywordsServing Status
    • CreativesServing Status

Grid And Bulk Fields

Once you've added your Amazon account to Marin, you'll find some new fields in the platform's Column Selector. You can add any of these fields to the grid for enhanced reporting and analysis. 

You'll also be able to use these fields as bulk headers using the platform's bulk upload feature to manage the creation and editing of Amazon objects at scale. To learn more about bulk uploads, check out our dedicated help center article

The table below outlines some of the most important column headers / grid fields for Amazon Sponsored Products campaigns.

Note: The Level column refers to the main grid or object types with which the field can be used.

Field name Level Can be viewed in the grid? Can be used in a bulk upload? Notes
Campaign Type Campaigns Yes Yes  
Amazon Strategy Campaigns Yes Yes

Possible values include:

  • Dynamic - Down only
  • Dynamic - Up and Down
  • Fixed
Amazon Bid Adj. Top Campaigns Yes Yes  
Amazon Bid Adj. Product Page Campaigns Yes Yes  
Serving Status Campaigns Yes No

Displays an enhanced description of your Amazon object's status. 

Possible values for campaigns:

  • Campaign Active
  • Campaign Paused
  • Campaign Deleted
  • Campaign Incomplete
  • Payment Failure
  • Ended
  • Campaign Out of Budget
  • Account Out of Budget
  • Advertiser Enabled
  • Advertiser Paused
  • Status Unavailable
Serving Status Keywords Yes No

Displays an enhanced description of your Amazon object's status. 

Possible values for groups:

  • Archived
  • Paused
  • Active
  • Suspended
  • Ended
  • Ad Group Paused
  • Ad Group Archived
  • Campaign Paused
  • Campaign Deleted
  • Campaign Out of Budget
  • Account Out of Budget
Serving Status Groups Yes No

Displays an enhanced description of your Amazon object's status. 

Possible values for groups:

  • Ad Group Archived
  • Ad Group Paused
  • Ad Group Active
  • Ad Suspended
  • Campaign Out of Budget
  • Campaign Paused
  • Campaign Deleted
  • Campaign Incomplete
  • Account Out of Budget
Serving Status Creatives / Ads Yes No

Displays an enhanced description of your Amazon object's status. 

Possible values for creatives / ads:

  • Ad Active
  • Ad Paused
  • Ad Deleted
  • Ad Suspended
  • Ad Group Paused
  • Ad Group Archived
  • Campaign Paused
  • Campaign Deleted
  • Campaign Out of Budget
  • Account Out of Budget
  • Missing Image
Modified Search Bid Keywords Yes No

Displays a temporarily increased or decreased bid for the keyword while the parent campaign's Ad Schedule is currently active.

Note: This field will only appear if you have the Ad Scheduling beta enabled.

ASIN Creatives / Ads Yes Yes For vendors. Cannot be used in the same bulk row as SKU. 
SKU Creatives / Ads Yes Yes For sellers. Cannot be used in the same bulk row as ASIN. 
Ad / Headline Creatives / Ads Yes No This field is synced monthly. 
Image Creatives / Ads Yes No This field is synced monthly. 
Price Creatives / Ads Yes No This field is synced monthly. 
Rating Creatives / Ads Yes No This field is synced monthly. 
Reviews Creatives / Ads Yes No This displays the number of total reviews for a product. The field is synced monthly. 
Availability  Creatives / Ads Yes No This field is synced monthly. 

Sample Bulk File

To get a first-hand look at how to manage Amazon Sponsored Products in bulk, click the link below to download a sample bulksheet at four different levels (one per sheet tab): Campaigns, Groups, Creatives (for Vendors and Sellers) and Keywords.


  • Implicit creation is supported. Uploading new keywords with new campaign name and group name will create the parent campaign and group automatically along with the keywords.
    • This is supported only for Sponsored Products, as without Campaign Type information, Sponsored Products will be the default Campaign Type.

Conversion Types

In addition to the grid and bulk columns listed above, you'll also find a range of Amazon conversion types within the Column Selector.

You can add any of these conversion types to the grid to view, and report on, revenue data for any of your objects (campaigns, groups, etc.). 

Note that Amazon conversion types are not available by default in the Marin platforms, so those you see in the platform will differ depending on your setup. 

If you have questions about which conversion types are available for you, please reach out to your platform representative. 

Important Notes

  • Marin's Total Conversions column is designed to display what you would see in the Amazon UI. For Sponsored Product campaigns, specifically, this means that the Total Conversions column reflects 7-day metrics. This is different from the behavior for Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Display campaigns, which default to 14-day metrics. This means that if you have set only the 14-day metric conversion type to add to totals, this column may be lower because Sponsored Product campaigns only reflect the 7-day metrics.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024