Setting Up Google Device Parameter Tracking ID

In order to report revenue and conversion data by device, a dynamic device parameter (i.e. Google's {device} ValueTrack parameter) must be appended to your destination URLs.

Setting up a separate device parameter name-value pair is the recommended approach used to append device type information to URLs.

How To Configure Device Parameter Tracking ID Settings

Here is a step-by-step guide to setting up your device parameter tracking ID:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Revenue & Tracking > Tracking IDs
  2. Click + ('plus sign' icon)
  3. Under Parameter Type, select Device
  4. Input the Configuration, Parameter name, Value separator, and Stop character. The Value Separator is typically and the Stop Character is typically &.
  5. Click Apply.

An Example Of Device Parameter And Migrated URLs

Example 1

  • URL pre-migration:{creative}
  • Device Parameter Tracking ID Settings: parameter name 'pdv', value separator '=', stop character of '&'
  • URL post-migration:{creative}&pdv={device}

Example 2

  • URL pre-migration:|pcrid|{creative}|
  • Device Parameter Tracking ID Settings: parameter name 'pdv', value separator '|', stop character of '|'
  • URL post-migration:|pcrid|{creative}|pdv|{device}|

Note that '{device}' will be substituted with an 'm' for mobile clicks, 't' for tablet clicks, and 'c' for desktop clicks when served by the publisher. To learn more about Google's {device} ValueTrack parameter, see Google's Guide to Using ValueTrack.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024