Ad Extensions
Ad extensions allow you to expand your ad with additional information, giving your prospective customers more reasons to choose your business. These might come in the form of additional links below your ad (Sitelinks) or a quick-and-easy way to call your business (Call extensions), but regardless of which extension you choose, they're all designed t...
Ad Rotation Options With Google
You can use Ad Serving (Ad Rotation) options within Google Ads (and the platform) to decide how you'd like your ads to show. Having this kind of control over ad rotation can help you optimize your campaign performance for the best possible return on investment. Just like Google Ads, our platform allows you to either Optimize or Do Not Optimize depen...
Awareness Targeting FAQ
With Google and Microsoft having sunset average position metrics, Awareness Targeting allows users to set an Impression Share / Rate bidding target for Google/Microsoft. Targets can be specified by device. FAQs What Is Changing? Advertisers looking for information about search ad positions will now need to rely on the five “prominence metrics”. Imp...
Call Extensions
Call Extensions are handy add-ons to your ads that allow you to display a phone number beneath your creative. They’re particularly useful if you’re targeting mobile search because users can simply tap the number to call your business directly. You can view and sync Google Call Extensions from within Marin, but not create or edit them at this time. I...
Deprecation Of Google's Accelerated Budget Delivery
Accelerated budget delivery is no longer be available for use with search campaigns, shopping campaigns, or shared budgets. Newly created budgets will be set to Standard and existing campaigns that are on an Accelerated budget will be automatically changed to Standard. FAQ's What Does This Mean For My Campaigns In Marin? After this change goes int...
Dynamic Search Ads For Google
Google Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) automatically show ads based on the content of your website. They are text-based ads with a dynamically generated Headline and Landing Page. Rather than using keywords, dynamic ads are triggered by a Dynamic Target, which consists of a website attribute or group of website attributes (e.g. URL, category, etc). Note: E...
Enabling Google Conversion Optimizer And Budget Optimizer
While we would recommend that you take advantage of MarinOne's powerful bidding features, you can choose to use Google’s auto-bidding functionality. Bidding for Google Ads is set at the campaign level. If you’d like to discuss the differences between our bidding algorithm and Google’s bid optimizer, please contact your platform representative. Where...
Expanded Dynamic Search Ads
To bolster the line-up of dynamic ads, the Marin platform offers full support for Google's Expanded Dynamic Search Ads. Optimized for mobile users, expanded text ads of this kind are designed to maximize your brand's presence whenever your ad is served to a user. Search and Display campaigns have fully transitioned to expanded text ads, meaning this...
Gmail Ads
Gmail Ads are a form of interactive ad which shows in the Promotions and Social tabs of the user's Gmail inbox. Some of these ads are expandable, but will always be marked with the yellow "Ad" icon. When a user click one of these ads, it will expand just like an email. The expanded form of Gmail Ads can include images, video, or embedded forms. Goo...
Google Account Limits
Google has certain account limits that apply to the number of objects (campaigns, groups, keywords, etc.) that can exist in a single account. We'll list each of these limits in the section below. Google Account Limits The limits are as follows: 10,000 campaigns (includes active and paused campaigns) 20,000 ad groups per campaign 20,000 keywords per ...
Google App Campaigns
What Are Google App Campaigns? App Campaigns use Google’s unique machine learning technology to help find the customers that matter most to you, based on your business goals — across Google Play,, YouTube and the millions of sites and apps in the Display Network. Our platform support for Google App Campaigns is developing and includes re...
Google Asset-Based Extension Migration
Google is rolling out an API design change for Ad Extensions, from feed-based extensions to asset-based extensions. There is no functional difference in how ad extensions work, this is mostly a technical change to align the API with the Google Ads UI you are already used to. As part of this update, all of your existing feed-based ad extensions will ...
Google Average Position Deprecation FAQ
What is changing? Google is deprecating the Avg. Position metrics in 3Q 2019. Advertisers looking for information about search ad positions will need to rely on the four “prominence metrics” that were launched in November: Impr (Abs. Top) % Impr. (Top) % Search (Absolute Top) IS Search (Top) IS Why are they making this change? With an increasing sha...
Google Call Ads
Google Call Ads allow advertisers to drive traffic to their physical, brick and mortar locations. These creatives use a phone number for their ad headline, and once clicked, lead the user to call the business directly. Call Ad Options The following actions are currently available for Call Ads in Marin: Sync and display Call Ads on the Ads grid. This...
Google Callout Extensions
Google Callout Extensions allow you to add extra text to any of your existing creatives, such as free delivery or other perks of choosing your service. In the platform, these Callout Extensions will be synced at the campaign and group level (hard-sync and nightly-sync for campaigns, and only hard sync for groups). Please note that Callout Extension...
Google Campaign Experiments
Google's Campaign Experiments are a form of A/B testing, designed specifically for campaigns. They allow you to test out any changes to your account on a specific section of your campaigns. Campaign Experiments are a great way to test the water, so to speak, giving you insightful information about whether or not you really want to make a certain cha...
Google Countdown Customizers
Google Countdown Customizers are ad customizers which adapt your text ads to show both the time left in a sale and any other text that you define. These ads only show on the Search Network. The Marin platform supports syncing, creating, and editing of countdown customizers. Handy Tip Note: While Marin supports the creation of Countdown Customizer A...
Google Device Bid Adjustment
Google currently supports Desktop Bid Adjustment and Tablet Bid Adjustment for campaigns and groups. In this article, we'll explain device bid adjustment for campaigns and groups. Marin Support Device Bid Adjustment is supported for Desktop, Mobile, and Tablet devices. The operational bidding adjustment range is -90% through +900%, with 0% bid adju...
Google Expanded Text Ads (ETAs)
Google is always working to make the web a more mobile-accessible place, and its new Expanded Text Ads (ETAs) is the next step in the journey. Optimized for mobile users, ETAs are designed to maximize your brand's presence whenever your ad is served to a user. The key change with ETAs is an increase of nearly 50% in the amount of ad text you're able...
Google Live Ads
Live Ad Parameters allow you to dynamically change numeric values like prices, inventory numbers, and percentages within your ad text. These numeric values are saved at the keyword level, which can then be used in creatives in a similar way to keyword insertion. However, rather than Google inserting the keyword text in the ad, the specific value rel...
Google Location Extensions
What Are Google Location Extensions? Location Extensions are an easy way to display an address along with your Google creative. You can add one or more addresses to any of your campaigns, then Google will display the closest address based on the user’s location. You can either link an address from your Google Places account, or you can enter an addr...
Google Mobile App Install Ads
Note: App install campaigns are no longer available on the publisher side. To promote installs of your app, create a Universal App campaign. To help customers increase installations of their apps, the platform now offers support for Google Mobile App Installation Campaigns. This allows you to easily create, edit, and manage these ads within the plat...
Google Native Ads
Introduction Native ads are advertisements that are sent to users using UI components native to the Google platform. They can be created such that they match the design of a specific User Interface. If a native ad loads, the app will receive a NativeAd object that contains all of the assets. This means that the app, as opposed to the SDK will be res...
Google Remarketing
MarinOne has a feature that allows you to take advantage of Google's remarketing (or retargeting) functionality for Search campaigns. With this feature, you are able to achieve the following via MarinOne: Add, remove, or edit remarketing lists via bulk upload at the group level. Optimize your search campaigns (RLSAs) at the keyword level. View cost ...
Google Smart Shopping
Smart Shopping is a Google ad format that combines the best of both standard Google Shopping ads and Google Display Remarketing ads, giving you a chance to pull assets from your product feed and serve them up in different combinations across Google's networks. It works like this: Google will pull assets -- including images, headlines, logos, descri...
Google's Enhanced CPC Feature (ECPC)
Google’s Enhanced CPC feature uses a campaign's historical conversion data to automatically adjust the Max CPC bid based on the likelihood that the ad will convert. Enhanced CPC Algorithm The Enhanced CPC algorithm considers a number of factors when predicting the likelihood of a conversion. Here are a few examples of factors that influence Enhanced...
Google's Performance Max Campaigns
Google's Performance Max campaigns allow you to access all available Google Ads inventory from a single campaign. This campaign type is designed to complement keyword-based Search campaigns to help you find more converting customers across all of Google's channels. What to learn what Google has to say about the Performance Max campaign type? Check o...
Google's Upgraded URLs
Google's Upgraded URLs signified a major change to the way that Destination URLs are associated with keywords and other trackable objects (creatives, sitelinksc etc.) and a new paradigm for how URLs are constructed and served with ads. While traditional ('legacy') URLs are well-understood, they can be problematic because they're simply not scalable ...
Impression Share & Impression Rank
This article will offer an in-depth introduction into Impression Share. We'll also discuss how this metric is supported by MarinOne. What Is Impression Share? Impression Share (IS) is the number of impression s an ad has received divided by the estimated number of impressions it was eligible to receive. Eligibility is based on the current ads' targ...
Local Inventory Ads
Local Inventory Ads for Google Ads are designed to bring online shoppers into your retail locations in an all-new way. They allow these shoppers to see when individual products are in stock nearby, and help them navigate to your stores directly from your Shopping ads. Marin supports the ability to set up and manage Local Inventory Ads in your existi...
Managing Longer Google Text Ads Within Marin
Google allows longer text ads for campaigns targeting certain Eastern European and Asian countries. These extensions allow up to 30 characters in the title and 76 characters for each description line. Those target countries include: Azerbaijan Belarus China Hong Kong Japan Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Russian Federation South Korea Taiwan Tajikistan Turkme...
'Near Exact' And 'Near Phrase' Google Match Types
With Google campaigns, there is a modified version of match type for phrase and exact match keywords: Near Exact and Near Phrase. Detailed Information Consider these three exact and phrase match keywords in Google Ads: [waterproof sunblock] "bollard cover" [single serving coffee maker] Now have a look at these two rows of search queries: waterproo...
Marin Support For Google Expanded Text Ads (ETAs)
ETAs are designed to maximize your brand's presence whenever your ad is served to a user. The key change with ETAs is an increase of nearly 50% in the amount of ad text you're able to include in your ad. You're able to make use of a longer two-part headline, as well as an increased ad description length. Finally, you'll be able to customize two new ...
Preview URL
For Google keywords and creatives, the Settings tab offers you access to the platform's Preview URL. This URL is constructed from the URL components shown below using the very same logic that Google uses to build full URLs on the search results page. In a nutshell, for a given object with a Landing Page (known as a Final URL in Google Ads), the Prev...
Product Listing Ad Creatives
Note: This article refers only to Microsoft Product Listing Ads. Support for Google Product Listing Ads has been deprecated by Google, so you will not be able to create or edit PLAs in the platform. Please create Google shopping campaigns for these items and refer to the article A Guide to Managing Product Listing Ads and Product Targets. To enable ...
Responsive Search Ads (RSAs)
Responsive Search Ads, also known as RSAs, are an ad type which adapts to the user, meaning you can serve different versions of the same RSA to different users without having to input any additional ad copy. The publishers will then automatically test different versions of your ad in order to determine the best combination of headlines and descript...
Setting Up Google Combined Tracking Value
In order to report revenue and conversion data by device, a dynamic device parameter (i.e. Google's {device} ValueTrack parameter) must be appended to your destination URLs. In this article, we'll show you how to configure your combined tracking ID settings. For more high-level information about tracking IDs and the setup process, please first read...
Setting Up Google Device Parameter Tracking ID
In order to report revenue and conversion data by device, a dynamic device parameter (i.e. Google's {device} ValueTrack parameter) must be appended to your destination URLs. Setting up a separate device parameter name-value pair is the recommended approach used to append device type information to URLs. How To Configure Device Parameter Tracking ID ...
Setting Up The Google Product Parameter Tracking ID
To really make the most of Product (SKU) level reporting in the platform, you'll need to set up the tracking ID settings for the Product parameter. To enable this feature, please first reach out to your platform representative. Once that's done, you'll be able to follow the instructions below to set up your Product parameter and begin using it. S...
Shared Google Budgets
In Google Ads, you have the option to assign a daily budget to individual campaigns or use shared budgets to allocate your budget across multiple campaigns. In this article, we'll explore how you can manage shared budgets in Marin. Our Approach To Shared Google Budgets From Accounts > Campaigns, use the Column Selector to add your Daily Budg...
Sitelinks are handy ad extensions that you can use to include extra links below your text ads. Much like their natural search counterparts, they can drive clicks to deep content on your website. Generally speaking, sitelinks are typically only displayed below ads with higher-than-average CTR, position and quality score. For example, ads that feature...
SKU-Level Reporting For Google Shopping
Marin offers a range of in-depth reporting options for your Google Shopping Campaigns, allowing you to analyze performance metrics like clicks, impressions, conversions, and more. All of this data can be viewed at the Product Group level, or rolled up by Ad Group and Campaign -- the choice is yours. Want to dig a little deeper? You can also review p...
Submitting Policy Exemption Requests In Bulk
When you submit either keywords or creatives through the platform, Google's editorial process may result in these being rejected. They may contain references to drugs or alcohol, for example. You can learn more about creative rejections in A Guide to Creative Rejections and Exemption Requests. The process also applies to keywords. You can submit exe...
Submitting Shopping Campaign Settings In Bulk
It is possible to use the platform's bulk upload functionality to make changes to your Google Shopping Campaigns. You can create new Shopping campaigns in bulk, as well as editing campaign priority. How To Make Bulk Changes To begin, you'll need to create a standard bulk sheet by following the instructions in our Help article. In order to either cre...
Supported Google Ad Types
As the Google Ads platform grows and evolves over time, the publisher frequently creates all-new types of ads which you can use to reach your target audiences more effectively. Our goal is always to support all Google ad types in the Marin platform, but this depends on various factors, including the availability of the Google API. For this reason, w...
The Migration Approach For Anchor Tags In Upgraded URLs
Overview Of Anchor Tags And 3rd Party Tracking Systems Many 3rd party analytic and/or revenue tracking systems ignore any values that appear after the anchor (#) tag. Therefore, if tracking parameters appear after an anchor tag in the URL, these systems may not capture those values. Example A:
Updating Your Google Credentials To OAuth2
To increase security for its advertisers and API tool providers, Google changed the way that clients authenticate their accounts through the Google Ads API from Client Login to OAuth2. As a result, you will need to re-authenticate their Google accounts using OAuth. How To Re-Authenticate Your Google Accounts Here's how to accomplish this re-authent...
Upgraded Google Ad Extensions
With Google's Upgraded Ad Extensions for sitelinks, calls, and app extensions, you can: Show mobile-preferred messaging and phone numbers directly in your ad by choosing mobile preference or Mobile device targeting. Add description lines for individual sitelinks to provide more information on each link. Use ad group-level extensions to more precisel...
Uploading Revenue For Google Product Groups
When using Product Listing Ads, you will need a way to upload revenue for each of your product groups – in much the same way that you would with keywords or creatives. How To Upload Revenue For Product Groups At present, the platform supports one method of product group revenue upload. Just follow these simple steps: Prepare a revenue upload file in...
Using The Inventory Filter For Shopping Campaigns
The Shopping Campaigns Inventory Filter is a Google Ads setting that lets you limit what products a given Shopping Campaign will show on the search results page, even before product groups are defined. For example, imagine that a shoe retailer has a product feed that includes, among other attributes, color. If the retailer wanted to create a Saint P...
Viewing Google Conversion Types
You are able to view any of your Google Conversion Types in the platform. With this handy feature, you can see and edit existing Google conversion types, create new conversion types and copy the tracking snippet. The following conversion types can be viewed in the platform: Website App downloads In-app purchases Phone calls Please note that this fea...
"Cannot Target Any Syndicatable Types" (Google Only)
When creating new campaigns with only Mobile Device Targeting set in the Devices field, you may encounter the following error message: Google Error: Cannot target any syndicatable types What Causes The Issue? There are a number of things that can cause this error message. We'll describe these below to help you diagnose the cause. When a client att...
"Customer Is Fraudulent" (Google Only)
When trying to sync or upload campaigns, creatives, or keywords the following error occurs: Google Error: Customer is fraudulent What Causes The Issue? This error is a result of an API connection error between Google Ads and Marin. How To Fix The Issue This issue is typically resolved quickly. If you receive this error, please try your sync or upl...
"Duplicate Sitelinks Found In File Or Waiting To Be Sent To Publisher"
When bulk uploading a sitelinks file, rows may fail with the following error message: Error: Duplicate sitelinks found in file or waiting to be sent to publisher. This will most likely be found with a Google 'create sitelinks' file which contains duplicate sitelinks. A duplicate sitelink contains identical link text as another sitelink, even if it...
"Error: No Target Currency Specified For Currency Conversion."
When attempting to link a new Google Ads account into the platform, you may encounter the following error: Error: No Target Currency Specified For Currency Conversion. This error usually appears when accounts are not successfully linked to the publisher. You need to have at least one campaign in your Google Ads account to successfully link the ac...
"Error Processing Items - Could Not Execute JDBC Batch Update" (Google Only)
Periodically when working in Marin, you may experience the below error: "Error processing items: Could not execute JDBC batch update" What Cases The Issue? This error is caused when unlinking a Google publisher account fails in the Activity Log. This error is due to a “creative_id cannot be null” issue. How To Fix The Issue Please submit a ticke...
"Failed To Do Client Auth With Gaia Server." (Google Only)
When working in the platform, you may come across the following error message or a variant thereof: Error: GOOGLE, , Failed to do client auth with Gaia server. Response code = 403 response body =Error=BadAuthentication, en_US What Causes The Issue Google sometimes requests additional authentication when trying to access an account. This is their s...
When altering bidding settings for new Google campaigns, you may come across the following error message: Error: GOOGLE, CANNOT_ATTACH_BIDDING_STRATEGY_TO_CAMPAIGN This issue will occur when you attempt to push campaign changes to the publisher having edited certain bidding options, including Budget Optimizer and Enhanced CPC. It can also occur i...
When bulk uploading creatives, the Activity Log status of your upload may show as Failed and you'll see the following error message in your error file (or when you click on the Activity Log ID): Error Error: GOOGLE, CANNOT_OPERATE_ON_REMOVED_ADGROUPAD, operations[1].operand,, en_US You may also notice that, in the Creatives tab, the affected ads ...
When trying to use Click Through URL or Destination URL for Upgraded URL objects, you may encounter the following error: Error: GOOGLE, CANNOT_SET_FIELD What Causes The Issue? This error occurs when trying to use Click Through URL or Destination URL for Upgraded URL objects. How To Fix The Issue Since Click Through URL and Destination URL are both...
"GOOGLE, display_url_destination_domain"
When uploading creatives, you may see the following error message: Error: GOOGLE, display_url_destination_domain What Causes The Issue? This issue occurs because your Display URL is not using the same domain as your Landing Page. How To Fix The Issue Google requires that your Display URL and Landing Page use the same domain. To fix this issue, ple...
When uploading ad groups into the platform, you may encounter a variation of the following error messages within the Activity Log: Error Error: GOOGLE, DUPLICATE_ADGROUP_NAME, operations[2].operand. name What Causes The Issue? This error occurs when the group names you are trying to upload already exist in Google Ads. Please note this error is war...
The Google error below occurs when a user performs a bulk keyword upload for Google and the system fails to post these items to the publisher. The issue is due to invalid values in the Param 1 or Param 2 fields of a keyword. Error: GOOGLE, INVALID_INSERTION_TEXT_FORMAT, operations[73].operand.insertionText How To Fix The Issue Open the error file ...
When uploading keywords, you may come across the following error message: Error: GOOGLE, MISSING_PROTOCOL What Causes The Issue? This error message occurs because the URL entered excludes the "http://" or "https://" at the beginning of the URL. How To Fix The Issue Edit your URL's to include "http://" instead of beginning with "www.". Incorrect Ex...
"GOOGLE, Nonstandard_punctuation, Operations" Error Message
You upload keywords/creatives in the platform, but the upload fails with Sync errors. In the Activity Log, you see Error File containing a message like this: GOOGLE, nonstandard_punctuation, operations What Cause The Issue? When you have these characters in your keywords and/or ad text, Excel cannot handle them, so the upload fails. Non-standard p...
When uploading image ads in bulk, you may encounter the following error: GOOGLE, REMOTE_ERROR What Causes The Issue? This issue occurs when there is a timeout caused by the large size of the bulk upload file. How To Fix The Issue To resolve this issue, you simply need to break the bulk upload file into smaller bulk upload files, and re-upload the ...
"Invalid Google URL Character [[ ]]"
You may encounter the following error message(s) within the platform when uploading ad URLs or keyword URLs: Error: Invalid Google Url character: [[ ]] Error Error: GOOGLE, INVALID_CHARACTER_FOR_URL, operations[].operand,These characters are not allowed: [space], en_US What Causes The Issue? The above error is triggered when there are spaces in on...
"Must Specify One Of Search CPC, Placement CPC, Or Placement CPM.” (Google Only)
During a bulk upload, an object or objects fail and return this error message: Error: Must specify one of Search CPC, Placement CPC, or Placement CPM. What Causes The Issue? Possible reasons for this error: You are attempting to edit or split a group or campaign that is using Google’s Conversion Optimizer. Bid amounts are set to zero. How To Fix T...
"No Data Available In Google Analytics"
You may notice that Google Analytics data does not download into the application for one or more profiles. When you click into the Activity Log ID for the corresponding Google Analytics Data Download and see the following error: Error: No data available in Google Analytics for profiles [xxxxxxxx] for [xxxx-xx-xx-xxxx-xx-xx]. What Causes The Issue?...
"Product Creatives Only Have Promotion Fields"
When uploading or editing creatives for Shopping Campaigns in bulk, you may come across the following warning within the Activity Log: Warning: Product creatives only have promotion fields What Causes The Issue? This warning occurs due to the way that the platform processes these Shopping Campaign creatives; however it is not representative of an ...
"The Client Has Tried To Create An Entity That Goes Beyond The Size Limits On Google Ads" (Google Only)
The following error occurs when trying to bulk-add a number of keywords, creatives, groups, and campaigns that exceeds the number allowed by Google Ads. Error: [The client has tried to create an entity that goes beyond the size limits on Google Ads] What Causes The Issue? Google Ads has a default limitation on the number of certain entities that c...
"The Specified Id Referred To An Entity Which Either Doesn't Exist Or Is Not Accessible To The Customer." (Google Only)
When uploading new sitelinks to your Google Ads account through the platform, you may encounter the following error message. Google Error: The specified id referred to an entity which either doesn't exist or is not accessible to the customer. e.g. campaign belongs to another customer What Causes The Issue? This problem most commonly occurs when so...
"There Are Some Sitelinks That Haven't Been Created Yet." Error Message
When uploading sitelinks via bulk upload to a campaign in Google, you may encounter the following error message: Google Error: Error: There are some sitelinks that haven't been created yet. What Causes The Issue? The reason this issue occurs is that the first sitelink for a given Publisher Client Account (PCA) must actually be created on the publi...
"User Did Not Have Write Access" (Google Only)
When editing Google keywords or creatives using a bulk upload, you may encounter the following error message after posting the changes to Google Ads: "User did not have write access" What Causes The Issue? As of June 2015, Google's Upgraded URLs update means that the Destination URL field has been deprecated, so it can no longer be edited. If you ...
"User Doesn't Have Permission To Access The Customer" (Google Only)
When trying to link publisher accounts using the Linking Wizard, or trying to push updated objects to the publisher, you may encounter the following error message: Google Error: User doesn't have permission to access the customer What Causes The Issue? This problem usually occurs due to either restricted access or a connection issue between our p...
“Error GOOGLE, Line_overflow”
When uploading new creatives to the platform, you may encounter a variation of the following error messages within the Activity Log: Error: GOOGLE, line_overflow, operations[136],, en_GB Google Error: After substituting replacement strings, the line is too wide. Additionally, the creatives that display this error will be ...
These error messages occur when setting Google Search Network campaigns. Error: “GOOGLE, OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED_FOR_CAMPAIGN_TYPE” Error: “GOOGLE, TARGET_ERROR” What Causes The Issue? This issue occurs when you upload a new campaign and try to switch between Search Network only, Display Network only, or Search Network with Display Select. Googl...
Discrepancy Between Google Creative-Level Data And Keyword- Or Campaign-Level Data
You may notice that when you compare Google data (for example, the total amount of clicks) in Creatives to the data displayed in Keywords and Campaigns, there is a discrepancy and the data does not match. For example, you may notice that there are more clicks displayed in Campaigns than there are in Creatives. What Causes The Issue? The issue is due...
When editing creatives in the platform, you may sometimes encounter the following error message: Google error: "GOOGLE, CANNOT_OPERATE_ON_REMOVED_ADGROUPAD." What Causes The Issue? This problem most commonly occurs when you edit the creatives outside the platform but you don't sync the changes. Please also note the following: When the creatives do...
Google Ads Credentials Not Verified When Linking
When attempting to link Google as a new Publisher Client Account (PCA), you may find that your credentials are not verified. What Causes The Issue? This problem can occur when Google Ads does not recognize the platform’s IP address, and therefore, refuses to verify the account details when they’re added. Google has a system in place whereby it must ...
Google Creative Rejections And Exemption Requests
You may encounter either of the following error messages when adding creatives to the platform: *Error: GOOGLE, pharma* Comment: Your creative references a pharmaceutical. Google has rejected your creative because of this reference. *Error: GOOGLE, alcohol* Comment: Your creative references alcohol. Google has rejected your creative because of thi...
Impression Share Is Greater Than 100%
When viewing your Impression Share metrics within the grid, you may notice that the impression share percentage shows as being more than 100%. The most common reasons for this issue are: If you include yesterday’s date in your selected date range. If there are any additional discrepancies within the grid. What Causes The Issue? Including yesterday...
Missing Or Incorrect Data Using Google Shared Libraries
After running a Google report, there is either missing data or incorrect data. What Causes The Issue? Missing data or incorrect data may be a result of ads located in Shared Libraries. Note: Google no longer allows users to share ads across multiple ad groups or campaigns using the Shared Library. Ads within the Shared library will be copied to all ...
No Objects (E.G. Keywords) Appear For New Google Campaigns When Pushed To Google Ads
When creating new campaigns and pushing them to the publisher (in this case, Google), you may notice that while the campaigns themselves appear in the publisher interface, the objects within them (keywords, for example) do not. This issue can occur when using the Copy Tool to copy campaigns. What Causes The Issue? The most common cause of this probl...
Automated Search Intent: Setup Guide
Automated Search Intent is a Marin-exclusive cross-channel feature that combines the power and specificity of Search campaigns with the reach of Social ones. By aligning your Search and Social campaigns with Automated Search Intent, you can see benefits in terms of cost-per-conversion, total volume, and of course, plenty of saved time. In a nutshell...
Search Audiences
Using Audience targeting for your Search campaigns allows you to be more precise in selecting who will see your ads. Note: The Audiences tab in MarinOne currently supports only Google Search audiences. Handy Tip If you'd like to learn more about accessing this feature in your MarinOne Client Account, please reach out to your platform representative....
Social Intent For Search
You may have heard about Search Intent for Social (sometimes known as Automated Search Intent), but now it's time to flip the script and explore the reverse: Social Intent for Search. If you're looking for ways to create new, high-quality audiences for your Search campaigns, look no further. Social Intent for Search allows you to use your Social Aud...
The Audience Hub
MarinOne's Audience Hub allows you to easily build audiences based on your own customer data -- email addresses, telephone numbers, physical addresses, and more. Use the Audience Hub to build audiences from your own customer data, including both Google Customer Match Audiences and Facebook Custom Audiences. You can then create, maintain, and manage...
Search Intent: Frequently Asked Questions
Below you'll find some of the most common questions we receive regarding Search Intent along with their answers. Frequently Asked Questions Can You Pull In Targeting For These Campaigns – For Example, Geos? Geo Is Essential. Search Intent campaigns, ad sets, and ads, once created in Marin Social, are the same as any other campaigns, ad sets, and a...
How To Use Social Audiences With Search Campaigns
Using Marin for both Search and Social media campaigns allows you to use specific social features for your Search campaigns, creating a truly cross-channel experience. One of the biggest differences between Search and Social campaigns is the audience. When creating an audience for a Search campaign, users are targeted via the specific keywords they ...
Google Labels
Similar to Marin's dimensions, Google's labels allow you to organize the elements in your account into meaningful groups so you can quickly and easily filter on the data that is of the most interest to you. Marin syncs your labels in order to use them for filtering and reporting. Read on to learn more. Marin Support Marin offers syncing support f...