Google Call Ads

Google Call Ads allow advertisers to drive traffic to their physical, brick and mortar locations. These creatives use a phone number for their ad headline, and once clicked, lead the user to call the business directly.

Call Ad Options

The following actions are currently available for Call Ads in Marin:

  • Sync and display Call Ads on the Ads grid. This allows you to track the performance of your Call Ads and compare them to other creatives
  • Create, edit and delete via Bulk Upload

How To Create, Edit Or Delete A Call Ad

To create, edit or delete a Call Ad in Marin, use Bulk Upload by following the steps below.

  1. From any of our main object-level grids, navigate to the Upload button in the top-right. 
  2. From the upload pane, select Ads from the top drop-down. 
  3. Following the traditional Bulk Upload process, upload your bulk file or enter the ad content to be uploaded in the text box.

Required Fields For Call Ads

  1. Headline, containing the phone number for your ad
    • Note: If you are using Google call forwarding, the number you enter into your headline will automatically be replaced by Google when the ad serves
  2. Business Name
  3. Description Line 1
  4. Description Line 2
  5. Creative Type, containing 'call'
  6. Display URL
  7. Country Code

Optional Fields Unique To Call Ads

  1. Forwarding, containing the value 'true' or 'false'

Additional Information

  • As with your other creative types, StatusGroup and Campaign are optional.
  • No other URL fields like Landing Page URLTracking Template, etc will be served with Call Ads, so these fields should not be used.
  • This workflow outlined in the article is specific to Call Ads; other ads types can still be created by any of the existing methods.
  • For more information on Bulk Upload, please take a look at our dedicated help article.
  • Note that keywords will be attributed as normal for clicks on your Google Call ads.
  • For information regarding country code values, please refer to this Google Ads page (external link)

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024