Google Asset-Based Extension Migration

Google is rolling out an API design change for Ad Extensions, from feed-based extensions to asset-based extensions. There is no functional difference in how ad extensions work, this is mostly a technical change to align the API with the Google Ads UI you are already used to.

As part of this update, all of your existing feed-based ad extensions will be migrated from the old paradigm to the new paradigm. Google is planning two waves of automatic migration, one in October 2021 and one in February 2022. 

According to Google, the main benefit of the asset-based extension paradigm is that it reduces the complexity of managing extensions when compared to the existing feed-based extensions. To learn more, check out Google's blog

What Happens Next? 

Marin is preparing for this change to ensure a smooth transition for all customers and to avoid any repercussions during the busy holiday period. As such, we are planning for a transition in early Q1 2022.

As a result, Marin will be opting out all customers from the first wave of the automatic asset-based extension migration ahead of the October 15th deadline.

Google's Key Migration Dates 


  • October 13th, 2021: Deadline to opt-out of the first wave of migration
  • October 20th, 2021: First wave of auto-migration starts and will last several weeks
  • February 15th, 2022: Second wave of auto-migration starts


October Migration 

  • Deadline to opt-out: October 13, 2021
  • Migration begins: October 20, 2021
  • Duration: The migration will last for several weeks. During this time, selected feed-based extensions will be copied into asset-based extensions. 
  • This migration will impact the following types of extensions:
    • Lead form
    • Promotion
    • Callout
    • Sitelink
    • Structured Snippet (unless customers opt-out)
  • This migration will NOT impact the following types of extensions:
    • App
    • Call
    • Hotel Callout
    • Image
    • Price

February Migration 

  • Deadline to opt-out: There will be no option to opt-out
  • Migration begins: February 15, 2022
  • This migration will impact the following types of extensions:
    • Lead form
    • Promotion
    • Callout
    • Sitelink
    • Structured Snippet (for customers who opted out in October)
    • App
    • Call
    • Hotel Callout
    • Image
    • Price

Note: Other serves that use feeds, such as Location extensions, Dynamic Ads, and Page Feeds, will be discussed in future Google announcements. These are NOT part of either the October or February phases of asset-based extension migration.

What Does This Mean For You? 

In order to assure continued synchronization of your ad extensions, you should refrain from opting your accounts back into the October migration, as opting back in will prevent your feed-based extensions from syncing into Marin properly.

If you create an asset-based extension in Google Ads, this will effectively migrate your account to the new paradigm. This means:

  • You will no longer be able to create or edit feed-based extensions in Google Ads or Marin.
  • Your new asset-based extensions will not sync into Marin.
  • Any new Google Ads account you create after October 15, 2021 will automatically support only asset-based extensions and these will not sync into Marin.
  • Once you have migrated, you cannot reverse back to the old paradigm.

We will reach out to customers in Q1 2022 to provide a status on the transition plan for your accounts.

The Opt-Out Process 

Marin will submit the following opt-out form on your behalf. 

This involves Marin confirming the below on your behalf:

  • I acknowledge that only the CIDs provided in the uploaded file will be able to issue CREATE and MUTATE requests on legacy callout, promotion, sitelink, and structured snippet extensions after October 20, 2021. 
  • I acknowledge that any legacy callout, promotion, sitelink, and structured snippet extensions contained in the affected accounts will remain in my account only as legacy extensions until February 15, 2022.
  • I acknowledge that on February 15, 2022, CREATE and MUTATE functionality for all legacy extensions will cease and any remaining extensions will automatically migrate. 
  • I accept Google's Terms and Conditions and acknowledge that my information will be used in accordance with Google's privacy policy. 

Want To Know More? 

Here are some additional resources on the migration:

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Marin account representative. 


Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024