"Product Creatives Only Have Promotion Fields"

When uploading or editing creatives for Shopping Campaigns in bulk, you may come across the following warning within the Activity Log:

Warning: Product creatives only have promotion fields


What Causes The Issue?

This warning occurs due to the way that the platform processes these Shopping Campaign creatives; however it is not representative of an error and can safely be ignored in most cases.

Additionally, if a product feed contains duplicate rows for the same object, each duplicate row will produce a failure message in the activity log, but the original rows will be processed with this warning message in the file. This can also be accompanied by the error 'Missing bulk input. Please paste in bulk information or upload a bulk file.'

See the next section for more details.

How To Fix The Issue

If your bulk file upload is successful and the warning occurs, you can safely ignore it.

If your bulk file returns a Failed status for any rows, it can be due to the bulk sheet containing Shopping Campaign creatives that already exist, but are not being edited. If this is the case, you can again safely ignore the warning.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024