"There Are Some Sitelinks That Haven't Been Created Yet." Error Message

When uploading sitelinks via bulk upload to a campaign in Google, you may encounter the following error message:

Google Error: Error: There are some sitelinks that haven't been created yet.


What Causes The Issue?

The reason this issue occurs is that the first sitelink for a given Publisher Client Account (PCA) must actually be created on the publisher's side first, then followed up by a campaign sync to pull in the sitelink and publisher feed to the platform.

How To Fix This Issue? 

To fix this problem, you'll simply need to create the campaign's first sitelink for the relevant Publisher Client Account within the publisher's UI (in this case, Google Ads), then perform a campaign sync to pull the new sitelink into the platform. You can learn more about this in our dedicated article How to Perform a Manual Sync.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024