These error messages occur when setting Google Search Network campaigns.





What Causes The Issue?

This issue occurs when you upload a new campaign and try to switch between Search Network only, Display Network only, or Search Network with Display Select.

Google has disabled the ability to switch between certain networks to avoid negative effects on campaign performance and ad serving, or the removal or deactivation of certain features.

This error can also be produced if the campaign type is Mobile app installs but when this is not specified in the bulksheet uploaded. To fix this, use the Creative Type header and the value Template Ad and the header App ID and the value of the app's ID, and also a header App platform with the value of either Play Store or Apple Store. The Marin platform defaults the Creative Type value to Text if not specified in the upload. 

How To Fix The Issue

  1. Read the Google article on selecting and setting your campaign type. Be certain you’ve made the correct choice for your campaign before finalizing a new campaign.
  2. Take a look at the campaign types that can be changed.

Additional Resources

For more information on setting campaign types, read this Google article.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: June 30th, 2023