An Error File Downloaded From Activity Log Is Blank

What Is The Issue?

You may encounter a job within the Activity Log which has a status of:

Error - to be resent.

When downloading the file attached to this job (by clicking the File link within the Description column), you may discover that it is blank and contains no data.

Because the file is blank, you may think there is no way to get more information about that particular error; however there is a way that you can do this. See the last section of this article for more details.

What Causes The Issue?

This issue is known to happen on occasion, and for a few different reasons. See below for more details on how to access information about what's causing the blank error file.

How To Fix The Issue

To find out more about an error, even when the error file is blank, simply click on the Activity ID within the Activity Log. By default, this is the first column on the far-left of the grid.

In the details page you'll be able to see a description of the error and any additional comments. You can then use this data to search our Help section for further information on solving the problem.

If the information on the Activity ID screen does not totally answer your question, please contact our Customer Support team, who will be happy to help.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024