Conversion Type Does Not Show Up In View Builder


Issue: One of the individual conversion types does not show up in the View Builder > Conversion Types tab.

When Does This Occur?

This occurs when choosing the columns to include in the grid via View Builder. After clicking View Builder and then selecting the Conversion Types tab, the desired individual conversion type does not appear in the list. It is also possible the Conversion Types tab does not appear at all.

Why Does This Occur?

This occurs if the individual conversion type is set to track only Date of Click (DOCL) or Date of Conversion (DOC) data. If this is the case and you are toggled to view the opposite set of data, the conversion type will not appear in the Conversion Types tab in the View Builder.

How To Fix This

Make sure you are showing the data correctly (i.e. by DOCL or DOC) depending on the conversion type's settings. You can toggle between DOCL and DOC by clicking on the icons on the left-hand side of the screen under the calendar. The 'pointing finger' represents DOCL and the 'shopping cart' represents DOC:

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024