Missing Object Troubleshooting

Here is a check-list that you can use to help locate missing objects in your account. Each section outlines the most common explanations for missing objects. You can also read why new objects do not appear in the platform in this Help article

Missing Keywords In The Keywords Tab

  • Check the filters on the left side of the grid.
    • Are you looking at a specific Saved View?
    • Does the chosen date range reflect when the keyword(s) existed in your account?
    • Is your view filtered to show only a specific publisher?
    • Is your view filtered to only show a specific match type?
    • Is you view filtered to show All keywords or keywords with a specific status?
  • Check the filters above the grid of data.
    • How many rows of keywords are you showing?
    • On the column headers, do you see any filters on? ('Funnel' icon will be filled in, if the filter is on. Active column filters will also be summarized in the row above the column headers.)
  • If keywords were recently created or have not historically received any impressions, they can be located by: 
    • Excluding all metrics columns (click on Unselect: Metrics columns in the View Builder and Save the applied view).
    • Once the automatic overnight sync has run, these objects should be available to view in the grid with metric columns included.
    • If none of these options resolve the issue, please file a Help case for our Customer Support team to further investigate.

Missing Ads In The Ads Grid

  • Follow steps above for keywords.

Missing Ad Groups In The Groups Grid

  • Follow steps above for keywords.

Missing Campaigns In The Campaigns Grid

  • Follow steps above for keywords.
  • Navigate to Publishers, click Manage Accounts and find the Account in question. Go to the Campaigns sub tab and scroll down to ensure the campaign has a Link Status of Linked.

Missing Accounts In The Publishers Grid

  • Follow steps above for keywords.
  • Go to the Publishers grid, click on the Manage Accounts button to ensure the Account has a Link Status of Linked.

Missing Strategies In The Bidding Tab

  • If your Strategies are new and have no data, you'll need to deselect all metrics columns in the Column Selector for them to appear in the grid.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024