Bulk Uploading Keywords With Multiple Spaces Fails (Microsoft Ads Only)

When bulk uploading keywords with multiple spaces in Microsoft Advertising, you may encounter an error message such as this:

Group "PowPow Sports - V-neck Graphic Tee" already contains the keyword: "tennis white apparel"


What Causes The Issue?

In Microsoft Advertising, keywords can be different with 1 space in between keywords or 2 spaces, for example:

  • tennis white apparel (1 space)
  • tennis white apparel (2 spaces)

However in Marin, they are recognized as same/duplicated keywords.

How To Fix The Issue

Please check if you use the same keywords with different number of spaces.

If the above is not the case or you have more questions, please contact our Customer Support team, who will be happy to help investigate.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024