Migrating To Microsoft Advertising Shopping

Migrating your Microsoft Advertising Shopping Ads and campaigns into the platform is really quite easy. Similarly, you can also create Microsoft Advertising Shopping campaigns in the platform with a hierarchy of up to two levels.

Note: If you need to build deeper product trees, these can be created within the Microsoft Advertising platform and then linked back into the application.

For more details on Microsoft Advertising Shopping Campaigns, please read our Advanced Guide. 

Migrating Using Existing Google Shopping Ads 

When migrating existing Google Shopping ads into the platform, we recommend using the Microsoft Advertising Import from Google Tool. This will copy the campaign structure and Product Group hierarchy directly into the application. 

Important Note: Microsoft Advertising PLAs will not be modified and will need to be disabled once the import is complete.

Microsoft Advertising Upgraded URL support is now available in the platform. For common questions for Microsoft Advertising Upgraded URLs, please check out our dedicated help article.

If your Microsoft Advertising account is not yet using Microsoft Advertising Upgraded URLs, we recommended the following migration procedure:

  1. Import the relevant Google Shopping campaigns into Microsoft Advertising with the Import From Google Tool.
  2. Before linking the Microsoft Advertising Shopping campaigns into the platform, replace the values for all Product Group Landing Page URLs with {unescapedlpurl} as the value for Destination URLs in Microsoft Advertising.
  3. Remove any Tracking Templates and Custom Parameters for your Microsoft Advertising Product Groups.
  4. Set up your Microsoft Advertising Product Group URL Builder, and turn on Autocorrect.
  5. Sync your Microsoft Advertising Shopping campaigns into the platform.
  6. Your URLs will be tagged and pushed to Microsoft Advertising automatically.

If your Microsoft Advertising account is using Upgraded URLs, reference the steps above and skip steps 2 and 3. 

Important Notes 

  • Microsoft Advertising’s Import From Google Tool allows you to select which campaigns to migrate. This can be especially helpful if you prefer to use a different structure for your Microsoft Advertising Shopping campaigns, or if you want to migrate only a portion of Google Shopping Campaigns via this tool. For more details about the process, please read Microsoft Advertising’s help documentation

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024