Baidu Sitelinks

The following options are available when working with Baidu sitelinks in the platform:

  1. On Accounts > Ads tab, select the Ad Extensions sub-tab
  2. On this tab, users can see sitelinks and details including URL and Device settings (mobile/desktop)
  3. Create Report button creates a CSV file of associated sitelinks
  4. Bulk Upload Sitelinks button links to bulk management page for creation or edit

Bulk Management

  • Management in bulk is similar to that of other publishers, like Google and Microsoft. Please see full article on managing sitelinks in bulk here.
  • As with other publishers, each Baidu bulk sitelink upload needs to be for a single publisher
  • There are some differences, which are outlined here:
    • Baidu has two distinct groupings (aka containers), Mobile or Desktop, with varying specifications on character counts and number of sitelinks per container. Please refer to Baidu platform for more details. If sitelinks are created beyond these limits, these rows may not process.
    • Since each grouping has a minimum and maximum number of sitelinks, some individual sitelinks may need to be deleted before creating new sitelinks in a container
    • If sitelinks are created without a Device Preference, this value defaults to Desktop
    • If Baidu sitelinks are uploaded with Description 1 or 2, these rows will fail because Baidu does not support these values
    • Baidu allows for pausing of sitelinks by grouping, but not individually. Bulk management supports Pause in the Status column for Baidu. If a single sitelink in a group is paused, the whole grouping will be paused.
    • Baidu sitelinks cannot be shared between containers or ad groups.
    • Copying sitelinks is not currently supported

Important Notes

Please bear in mind the following considerations when working with Baidu sitelinks:

  • Baidu sitelinks can only be managed at the group level.
  • Cost and revenue reporting is not supported in the platform. 
  • URL Builder will not run on Baidu sitelinks.
  • Baidu sitelinks will not automatically sync with the nightly platform sync. Users must hard sync before or after editing in order to ensure that sitelinks are in line with Baidu UI.


Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024