Using the Marin Attribution Setup Page


This article provides detail on how to use the Marin Attribution Setup page. This settings page provides specific details for an account using the Marin Attribution revenue integration:

  • The landing page code that should be implemented on click pages.
  • The conversion page codes that should be implemented on conversion pages.
  • A report that shows if actions are being captured by these codes on your pages.

How To Access The Attribution Setup Page

Just follow these steps:

  1. Click Settings in the upper-right
  2. Choose the Revenue & Tracking sub-tab and then click Marin Tracker from the top menu. 
  3. The Tracker Setup Page is the default page in the section.
    • The information seen under the Tracker section corresponds to the data in the past 24-hours report. Therefore, if you see the message No clicks received in past 24 hours and/or No conversions received in past 24 hours, this does not refer to all of the data in your account. Rather, this message refers to the data in the report.
    • If you see the No clicks/conversions received message, this most likely means that the report is still being generated. Reports are generated at the top of each hour, and will usually finish processing 10 minutes later, at which point the message should no longer appear.
  4. Check the box for Use the platform Tracking to activate platform tracking so that the Tracker revenue files will start appearing in the Activity Log.
  5. In the box of Tracking Status, you can use the links to verify tracker data – either for the past hour or the past 24 hours.
    • If you see entries for Action 1s, this shows the landing page snippet is correctly placed, and it is capturing clicks.
    • If you see entries for Action 2s, this shows the confirmation snippet is correctly placed for that conversion type, and it is capturing those conversions. 
    • Please Note: These reports get regenerated every hour and contain data limited to 5,000 rows up to that hour. The reports do not get regenerated when clicking them to open.
    • Please Note: If you attempt to open one of these reports and receive the message: "The requested report is not available.", this means that the report is still being generated. Please wait at most 15-20 minutes (the time of when the report should have finished processing) before attempting to re-open the report.
  6. Landing Page Code: When clicking the arrows next to Show Snippet, you can view your landing page tracking code. Copy and use on your pages as required.
    • This template should closely resemble the landing page snippet on your pages.
    • The client is responsible for inserting values into the @order-id@ and @price@ variables. If you do not want to use these values, delete them like so: orderId : '', price : ‘’
  7. Confirmation Page Code: When selecting the relevant conversion type in the drop-down menu, you can view the confirmation page tracking code for specific conversion types. Copy and use on your pages as required.
    • This template should closely resemble the confirmation snippet on this conversion type page. 
    • The values in the template with @ characters would be dynamically populated values, which should be inserted server-side directly into the pixel. 
    • Please Note: You need to have at least one conversion type set up in the Conversion Type settings to see the confirmation page code. 
  8. At the bottom of this page, you can email the tracking snippets to a user by typing in his or her email address and clicking Email Snippet Code.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024