Uploading Revenue from Multiple Clients (Cross-Client Attribution)


Our application can support revenue uploads that contain keywords from multiple clients.

If a keyword ID is not found in the client where the revenue is originally uploaded, our application will look for the keyword ID in the other clients in the same customer. When the keyword is found in another client, a note will be added to the upload file in the activity log indicating where the revenue was applied. A new upload file will be created with only the relevant keywords for the second client.

How To Activate The Feature

This feature must be turned on by a platform representative. It can be used for some or all clients within a customer.

Important Note

  • When using this feature, if you upload revenue in Clear and overwrite mode, revenue data will only be cleared in the original client where the revenue file is processed. Any revenue applied to other customers will only overwrite the specific keyword/date combination.
  • If conversion types are added to any client using this feature, you must also ensure that you add them to all clients. Please also note that your conversion type settings must be the same in all accounts.
  • When uploading Revenue to a parent account in Overwrite mode, the file will also be uploaded in Overwrite mode to the child accounts.


Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024