Uploading Destination URLs with Encoded Tracking Parameters


When adding objects via bulk upload, be aware that Marin is unable to populate tracking parameters correctly if they are encoded within the URLs in your bulk sheet. There is, however, a way that you can upload destination URLs with encoded tracking parameters, as explained below.

How To Bulk Upload URLs With Encoded Parameters

To upload your URLs, follow these simple steps:

  1. In your bulk sheet, strip any encoded tracking parameters from the URLs. For example, your encoded parameters may look like this: &mkwid=%7Bifsearch:s%7D%7Bifcontent:c%7D%5Buniq_id%5D_%7Bcreative%7D_%5Btracker_id%5D
  2. Once stripped, append your tracking parameters unencoded, so the above example would become: &mkwid={ifsearch:s}{ifcontent:c}[uniq_id]_{creative}_[tracker_id]
  3. Next carry out the bulk upload ensuring that these objects are in the Held status. The platform will now populate the appropriate tracking values.
  4. Go to the Activity Log and download the Results file for your bulk upload. This will become your new bulk sheet.
  5. Open the bulk sheet in Excel, then remove the following columns: Uploaded Destination URL, Corrected Destination URL, Results.
  6. Within the bulk sheet, encode the string again after mkwid= within the URLs. You can use a tool like ASAP Utilities for Excel to achieve this.
  7. Cancel the Held job within the Activity Log.
  8. Upload the new bulk sheet in the Held status.
  9. Test your destination URLs to ensure they resolve correctly.
  10. Push the Held job to the publisher to finish the upload.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024