"Keyword Is Not Set Up For Click-Through URL"

When attempting a keyword/creative bulk upload, you may notice that the upload fails and the Activity Log error file contains this error message under the Results column header.

"Keyword Is Not Set Up For Click-Through URL"


What Causes The Issue?

If the URL Builder configuration is incomplete, or an incorrect column header is being used in the upload sheet (Click-Through URL instead of Destination URL if the account is not using redirects) the system will return this error. User will need to check the URL Builder settings by clicking on Settings in the top right corner > Revenue & Tracking > URL Templates 

** Please ensure you check individual Publisher accounts to confirm the settings are enabled across each of these:

How To Fix The Issue

*If the user sees the Do not build keyword level URLs view it means the URL Builder has not been set up to automatically generate keyword & creative redirects, and so the keyword/creative upload fails as the system doesn’t have a sample redirect URL stored from which it can auto-generate URLs. In this case, the user needs to contact their OMM to enable the Build redirect URLs option and populate the appropriate parameters in these fields.

*If the user sees the below view with Build keyword level URLs checkbox enabled, but the Build redirect URLs not switched on, the user needs to use the Destination URL column header in the upload sheet instead of the Click Through URL header.

Written by Marketing @ Marin Software

Last published at: July 27th, 2024